GODOT engine is a free and open source 2D/3D Game Engine. This document is a tutorial for how to create the basic 3D game based on Godot ver. 3.2. I hope it helps as a reference for beginners.
This document describes how to create the 3D games on step by step. I will explain how to create the 3D objects and the 3D character, then how to move (walk) the 3D character. You can download all of programs and assets in this document from "Code" above.
- 3D_Game-101: Sample for moving the 3D character by using virtual joystick
- 3D_Game-102: Sample for 3D maze game
Followings are demos for this tutorials. It takes time for the demo to start.
I will describe how to create the 3D objects and 3D character in this tutorial. Then, try to attach animations to the 3D character for walking.
When you have launched the GODOT Engine, you will see the Project Manager as below. If you launch it at first time, no project appears in the Project Manager. Then, please click the "New Project".
Click the "Browse" at the next image, then select the folder to create new game.
Input "Project Name", then click the "Create Folder".
After open the "New Project" folder by using the Explorer, create the new folder as "assets". Then, copy the following files.
(Note: Please replace the "New Project" with the folder name that you entered.)
- JoyStick.gd: After download from "Github Godot-Virtual-Joystick" and unzip it, then copy to "New Project" folder.
- Boy_002_Walk.glb: 3D character with walking animation that is created by Blender. (Copy to "assets" folder)
- Boy_003_Idle.glb: 3D character with idle animation that is also created by Blender. (Copy to "assets" folder)
- backdrop-21534_1920.png: The texture for block (Copy to "assets" folder)
- big_circle_N.png: The texture for "BigCircle" at Virtual Joystick (Copy to "assets" folder)
- FloorsRegular0043_L.png: The texture for floor (Copy to "assets" folder)
- orange_ball_01.png: The texture for "SmallCircle" at Virtual Joystick (Copy to "assets" folder)
Please try to use your own textures and/or 3D characters instead of above files.
It is needed some objects, a light and a camera to create 3D game. Additionally, "Virtual Joystick" is needed to control the 3D character.
At the next image, please click the "3D Scene" for create the 3D spatial.
If you right click on the "Spatial" at the "Scene" of the left side, you can see the next image. Then, please click the "ADD Child Node".
Please select the "Camera", then click the "Create" at the image below.
Please create the "DirectionalLight" to same way at the "Camera" above.
Please create the "StaticBody" to same way at the "Camera" above.
(Note: A static body is a simple body that is not intended to move.)
Select the "StaticBody" at the left side and right click it, then click the "ADD Child Node". Please select the "MeshInstance", then click the "Create".
(Note: MeshInstance is a node that takes a Mesh resource and adds it to the current scenario by creating an instance of it.)
Also, select the "StaticBody" at the left side and right click it, then click the "ADD Child Node". Please select the "CollisionShape", then click the "Create".
(Note: CollisionShape is an editor facility for creating and editing collision shapes in 3D space.)
Select the "MeshInstance" at the left side and click the "empty" of "Mesh" at right side, then click the "New CubeMesh" for creating the box object.
At the defult setting, it is created a white cubed box that size is 2m x 2m x 2m. Please click the white box of "Mesh" at right side.
Click the "empty" of "Material" at right side, then select the "New SpatialMaterial".
Click the white sphere of "Material" at right side.
After select the "Albedo" at right side, click the "empty" in "Texture", then select the "Load".
Select the "assets" folder at "Open a File", then open the "FloorRegular0043_L.png" file.
Set the scale of "Uv1" at right side as below.
(Note: The texture of cube is refer to "Godot_v3.2-Cube_Characters".)
After select the "CollisionShape" at left side, click the "empty" of "Shape" at right side. Then, please select the "New BoxShape". The size of collision cubed box is also 2m x 2m x 2m at dufault setting.
Select the "StaticBody" at left side, then set the value for the "Translation" in "Transform" of "Spatial" at right side. The reason is to move to the place that does not get in the way at the game.
Please create the "StaticBody2" to same way at the "StaticBody" above. However, change to set the "backdrop-21534_1920.png" as a texture and set the different value of "Translation" in "Transform" of "Spatial" to the "Create the Floor Block" above.
After select the "Spatial" at left side, please click the "ADD Child Node". Then, select the "KinematicBody".
(Note: Kinematic body is a special type of body that is meant to be user-controlled.)
Add the "MeshInstance" and the "CollisionShape" that are same way to above. Then, drag files of the "Boy_002_Walk.glb" and the "Boy_003_Idle.glb" to the "KinematicBody".
Select the "MeshInstance" of the "KinematicBody" at left side, then click the "empty" in "Mesh" and select the "New CylinderMesh".
Set the value to the "Top Radius", the "Bottom Radius" and the "Height" to fit the 3D character size.
Set the value to the "Translation" of the "Transform" at right side to fit the 3D character size also.
Select the "CollisionShape" of the "KinematicBody" at left side, then click the "empty" in the "Shape" and select the "New CylinderShape".
Set the value to the "Radius", the "Height" and the "Translation" of the "Transform" as like to the "MeshInstance".
Click the eye mark at the "MeshInstance" of "KinematicBody" to disappear the white cylinder shape. Select the "KinematicBody" at the left side, then set the value to the "Translation" of the "Transform".
Right click on the "Spatial" at the left side, then click the "ADD Child Node". Select the "Node2D" and click the "Create".
Select the "Node2D" at left side, then select the "Sprite" and click the "Create".
Create the "Sprite" again as "Sprite2".
After select the "Sprite", click the "empty" of the "Texture" and select the "Load" at right side.
Select the file of "big_circle_N.png" and click the "Open".
After select the "Sprite2", click the "empty" of the "Texture" and select the "Load" again. Then, select the file of "orange_ball_01.png".
Change the name at left side as follows.
- Node2D -> JoyStick
- Sprite -> BigCircle
- Sprite2 -> SmallCircle
Select the "JoyStick" at left side, then set the value of "Position" in "Transform" at right side.
Right Click on the "StaticBody" at left side and select the "Save Branch as Scene". Because, it is for easy to copy the object.
Please click the "Save" at default file name.
Save the branch as scene again for the "StaticBody2".
Drag the "JoyStick.gd" at under of right side on the "JoyStick" for attaching the script.
Right Click on the "Spatial" at right side and select the "Attach Script".
Click the "Create" at default setting.
Next image is a script input screen.
Please input next script for the "Spatial". It is to create 10 x 10 of Floor Blocks for the ground, one of Brick Block and one of Player.
extends Spatial
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
var Ground_x = 10 # The number of Floor Blocks: In this case, set 10(x-direction) x 10(z-direction) blocks.
var Ground_y = 0
var Ground_z = 10
var Block_size = 2
var Player_x = 0 # Set the position for a player
var Player_y = 0
var Player_z = 0
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
# Create Ground Floors
func Create_Ground():
var Floor_org = load("res://StaticBody.tscn")
for i in range(Ground_x):
for j in range(Ground_z):
var Floor = Floor_org.instance()
Floor.transform.origin.x = Block_size / 2 + (i - Ground_x / 2) * Block_size
Floor.transform.origin.y = -1
Floor.transform.origin.z = Block_size / 2 + (j - Ground_z / 2) * Block_size
# Create Player
func Create_Player():
var Player = get_node("KinematicBody")
Player.set_scale(Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
Player.transform.origin.x = 0
Player.transform.origin.y = 0
Player.transform.origin.z = 0
# Create a Brick Block
func Create_Block():
var Block_org = load("res://StaticBody2.tscn")
var Block = Block_org.instance()
Block.transform.origin.x = 3
Block.transform.origin.y = 1
Block.transform.origin.z = -2
Right Click on the "KinematicBody" at right side and select the "Attach Script". Then, click the "Create" at default setting.
Please input next script for the "KinematicBody". It is to control the palyer by the virtual joystick and/or the arrow keys in the keybord.
extends KinematicBody
const speed = 1
var Temp
var joystickVector
var player_quat_s
var player_quat_g
var player_quat_t = 0.2
onready var player = get_node(".")
onready var player_body = get_node("Boy_002_Walk")
onready var player_idle = get_node("Boy_003_Idle")
func _ready():
Temp = get_parent().get_node("JoyStick").connect('move', self, '_on_JoystickMove')
player_quat_s = Quat(Vector3(0, 1, 0), atan2(0, 0))
func _process(delta):
Temp = delta
func _on_JoystickMove(vector):
if abs(vector.x) > abs(vector.y):
if vector.x > 0:
joystickVector = "right"
# player.move_and_slide(Vector3(speed, 0, 0), Vector3()) # Move the 4 directions
elif vector.x < 0:
joystickVector = "left"
# player.move_and_slide(Vector3(speed * -1, 0, 0), Vector3())
elif abs(vector.x) < abs(vector.y):
if vector.y > 0:
joystickVector = "forward"
# player.move_and_slide(Vector3(0, 0, speed), Vector3())
elif vector.y < 0:
joystickVector = "backward"
# player.move_and_slide(Vector3(0, 0, speed * -1), Vector3())
joystickVector = "stay"
if vector.length() > 0:
var force = Vector3(vector.x, 0, vector.y).normalized() * speed
player.move_and_slide(force, Vector3()) # Move more than 8 directions
player_quat_g = Quat(Vector3(0, 1, 0), atan2(vector.x, vector.y))
player_quat_s = player_quat_s.slerp(player_quat_g, player_quat_t)
player_body.transform = Transform(player_quat_s)
player_idle.transform = Transform(player_quat_s)
func player_move():
var direction = Vector3()
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): # Controled by arrow keys
direction.x += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
direction.x -= 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
direction.z += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
direction.z -= 1
if direction.length() > 0:
var force = direction.normalized() * speed
player_quat_g = Quat(Vector3(0, 1, 0), atan2(direction.x, direction.z))
player_quat_s = player_quat_s.slerp(player_quat_g, player_quat_t)
player_body.transform = Transform(player_quat_s)
player_idle.transform = Transform(player_quat_s)
Temp = player.move_and_slide(force, Vector3(0, 0, 0))
I will try to describe about 3D animations. There are commands 'get_node("Boy_002_Walk/AnimationPlayer").play("Boy_202_Walk")' for walking animation and 'get_node("Boy_003_Idle/AnimationPlayer").play("Boy_203a_Idle")' for idle animation.
Please click the mark at the "Boy_002_Walk", then click the "New Inherited".
You can see the detail of the "Boy_002_Walk". If you click the "AnimationPlayer", you can see the animation of it. The "Boy_202_Walk" is a main body of the animation.
Also, you can see the detail of the "Boy_003_Idle". The "Boy_203a_Idle" is a main body of the animation.
After select the "Camera" at right side, set the values to the "Translation" and the "Rotation Degrees" in the "Transform" at the right side. Then, please check to "Preview" on main window for change to camera's view.
Please select the "DirectionalLight" at left side and check the "Enabled" at the "Shadow" of the "Light". Then, set the values to the "Translation" and the "Rotation Degrees" in the "Transform" at the right side.
If you click the play mark at upper side of right, you can see a scene that you created in the small window.
Next image is a scene at fixed camera mode. You can control to move the 3D character.
Please try to drag the "Camera" to the "KinematicBody" for setting as a tracking camera.
Select the "Camera" at left side and set the values at the "Translation" in the "Transform" at right side. Then, try to click the play mark at upper side of right, you can see a scene at tracking camera mode.
In the maze game, the setting for the ground and the walls are almost same way to the above. Also, the control for 3D player is same to the above. The additional items are as follows.
- Menu: Start screen for the game
- Settings: Select the player, ON/OFF for the sound effect and set the maze's size
- Goal: 3D area that detects CollisionObject nodes overlapping, entering, or exiting.
To create the maze is almost same to the "Step-6: How to create a maze game" on Babylon.js_3D_Graphics.
You can download the source code of programs and assets in this document from "Code" above. Then, import the project to GODOT engine.
After download and unzip it, please launch the GODOT engine. Then, click the "Import".
Click the "Browse" and select the unzipped folder.
Please select the file "project.godot" at the folder "3D_Game-102", then click the "Open".
You can see the screen below that is 2D image.
If you click the "3D" upper side of screen, you can see the 3D image. You can edit all of objects and scripts.
GODOT Engine: The game engine that is completely free and open-source under the MIT license.
GODOT v3.2 Basic Shaders: The demo for Godot shaders
GODOT v3.2 Cube Characters: Some simple Cube_Characters with animations based on Godot Engine ver. 3.2.
GODOT v3.2 Sokoban Cube: A sokoban type of game as a demonstration of Cube Characters with some animations based on Godot Game Engine ver. 3.2.
Virtual-Joystick: Virtual Joystick for GODOT ver. 3.x
Babylon.js_3D_Graphics: How to create the 3D graphics, the maze game, some pazzle games, 360 degrees video and VR mode on 360 degrees video by using Babylon.js.