The IoT Dumpster Fire 2020 Needs.
Files are incomplete. Will be adding STLs soon (need to tweak a few things). Files needed to make the PCB (which isn't necessary) are included, recommend using the gerber files with Oshpark.
You will need:
- 6x3 array of WS2812 LEDs (neopixels) (you can use more/less, tweak the source).
- Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter (3.3v <-> 5v)
If not using PCB, a breadboard and a decent 5v power supply.
If using PCB, some headers and maybe a JST header.
You will need to do some fine solder work for the LEDs (and PCB if you use it).
- (not necessarily this one, but it fits well and bright enough)