This is a weather-app built on top of Vue 3, Vite and TypeScript. Hosted on Heroku and can be accessed here
- To make the app work in the browser, we need to enable CORS. And for now we can bypass this by going to this link and clicking "Request temporary access to the demo server" then go ahead and reload the app
- Responsive and has helpful loaders and toasts for loading and errors.
- There's a location input where a user can enter a city name.
- The app will fetch the weather data for the city entered.
- The app will display the weather overview info of:
- Location name
- Temperature
- Weather description
- High and low temperatures
- The app will display additional weather info of(in the toggled component of the weather overview):
- Humidity
- Wind speed
- Feels like
- Pressure
- Sunrise and sunset times
- The app will display a list of the 7 upcoming days of the weather forecast.
- The app will display a list of the 5 past days of the weather forecast.
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn build
Run End-to-End Tests with Cypress
yarn test:e2e # or `yarn test:e2e:ci` for headless testing
Lint with ESLint
yarn lint