git clone
cd orb_slam3_ros_docker
docker compose build dev
docker compose up dev
docker exec -it orb_slam3_ros_docker-dev-1 bash
Mono mode with NTU VIRAL's eee_01.bag
# In one terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros ntuviral_mono.launch
# In another terminal:
rosbag play eee_01.bag -s 50 # The UAV starts moving at t~50s
Stereo mode with KITTI's 2011_09_26
- First, download KITTI dataset and convert the raw data into bag file following this instruction. You can automate the downloading process using this script.
- Run the example:
# In one terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros kitti_stereo.launch
# In another terminal:
rosbag play kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0002_synced.bag
Mono-inertial mode with EuRoC's MH_01_easy.bag
# In one terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros euroc_mono_inertial.launch
# In another terminal:
rosbag play MH_01_easy.bag
Stereo-inertial mode with TUM-VI's dataset-corridor1_512_16.bag
# In one terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros tum_vi_stereo_inertial.launch
# In another terminal:
rosbag play dataset-corridor1_512_16.bag
RGB-D mode with TUM's rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_xyz.bag
# In one terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros tum_rgbd.launch
# In another terminal:
rosbag play rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_xyz.bag
- Note: change
for freiburg1, freiburg2 and freiburg3 sequences respectively.
RGB-D-Inertial mode with VINS-RGBD's Normal.bag
- Download the bag files, for example Normal.bag.
- Decompress the bag, run
rosbag decompress Normal.bag
. - Change the calibration params in
if necessary.
# In one terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros rs_d435i_rgbd_inertial.launch.launch
# In another terminal:
rosbag play Normal.bag
- Modify the original
to enable fisheye images and imu data (changeunite_imu_method
). - Run
rs-enumerate-devices -c
to get the calibration parameters and modifyconfig/Stereo-Inertial/RealSense_T265.yaml
accordingly. A detailed explaination can be found here. - Run:
# In one terminal:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_t265.launch
# In another terminal:
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros rs_t265_stereo_inertial.launch
The map file will have .osa
extension, and is located in the ROS_HOME
folder (~/.ros/
by default).
- Option 1: If
is set in the settings file, the map file will be automatically saved when you kill the ros node. - Option 2: You can also call the following ros service at the end of the session
rosservice call /orb_slam3/save_map [file_name]
- Create a folder called maps in the orb_slam3_ros package.
- Move the saved map in
to this maps folder in the ros package. - Specify the name of the map in the launch file as in the example
TODO: Mention to run the pointcloud to occupancy map. TODO: Write how to save the occupancy map
TODO: Mention dynamic_transform_broadcaster_node and the transforms
for Mono(-Inertial) node/camera/left/image_raw
for Stereo(-Inertial) node/camera/right/image_raw
for Stereo(-Inertial) node/imu
for Mono/Stereo/RGBD-Inertial node/camera/rgb/image_raw
for RGBD node
, left camera pose in world frame, published at camera rate/orb_slam3/body_odom
, imu-body odometry in world frame, published at camera rate/orb_slam3/tracking_image
, processed image from the left camera with key points and status text/orb_slam3/tracked_points
, all key points contained in the sliding window/orb_slam3/all_points
, all key points in the map/orb_slam3/kf_markers
, markers for all keyframes' positions/tf
, with camera and imu-body poses in world frame
: path to vocabulary file required by ORB-SLAM3settings_file
: path to settings file required by ORB-SLAM3enable_pangolin
: enable/disable ORB-SLAM3's Pangolin viewer and interface. (true
by default)
rosservice call /orb_slam3/save_map [file_name]
: save the map as[file_name].osa
folder.rosservice call /orb_slam3/save_traj [file_name]
: save the estimated trajectory of camera and keyframes as[file_name]_cam_traj.txt