In this repository I present my solution for the ODSC 2020 hackathon
The final solution notebook can be found here.
The pairplot is available here.
The correlation heatmap is available here.
In this challenge the competitors need propose a model that predicts the temperature of 4 components of an electric car motor. There is a high correlation between the temperatures of the 4 components. Therefore, at first I trained a fully connected network on only one temperature target variable. I took the predictions from my first model and used it as a feature to the other 3 components models.
In other words:
first stage:
y1=f(X)+error (best model = stator_yoke)
second stage:
y2=h(x + f(x))+error
y3=g(x + f(x))+error
y4=j(x + f(x))+error
The final RMSE results on the test set are:
RMSE_pm = 1.011369259
RMSE_stator_yoke = 0.192175924
RMSE_stator_tooth = 0.36982214
RMSE_stator_winding = 0.470236891
adding up to 2.043604214 total RMSE
A video explaining my solution can be found here:
youtube link