Harvester is eRepublik web scraping utility. Originally, Harvester was used by api.erpk.org, but I decided to release it open source. It allows you easily get useful information directly from game. It's written in PHP and based mainly on DOMXPath library. It requires PHP 5.4+.
If your application isn't written in PHP, you may be looking for standalone API webserver - erpk/harsever.
Recommended method to install library is getting it through Composer.
Create composer.json
file in your application directory:
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"erpk/harvester": "*"
Then download latest composer.phar and run following command:
php composer.phar install
That command will install Harvester along with all its dependencies.
Now, in order to use libraries, you have to include autoloader, which is located in vendor/autoload.php
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
Client is an object required in every Harvester module. How to create it?
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Erpk\Harvester\Client\Client;
$client = new Client;
$client->setEmail('[email protected]');
Sometimes you need use Harvester with proxy. Here is easy solution to do that.
use Erpk\Harvester\Client\Proxy\HttpProxy;
// Create new HttpProxy object
$proxy = new HttpProxy('', 8080);
// Make client using that proxy
// You can also use NetworkInterfaceProxy
use Erpk\Harvester\Client\Proxy\NetworkInterfaceProxy;
$interfaceProxy = new NetworkInterfaceProxy('venet0');
// How to remove proxy?
// You need to check if Client already has proxy?
if ($client->hasProxy()) {
echo "I'm using proxy.";
Following examples assume you have already set up your Client and included autoloader.
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Citizen\CitizenModule;
// assumes you have your Client object already set up
$module = new CitizenModule($client);
// Get citizen profile
$citizen = $module->getProfile(2020512);
echo $citizen['name']; // Romper
// Search for citizens by name
$results = $module->search('Romp', 1); // page 1
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Military\MilitaryModule;
$module = new MilitaryModule($client);
// Get list of active campaigns
$activeCampaigns = $module->getActiveCampaigns();
// Get campaign basic information
$campaign = $module->getCampaign(41661);
// Get current campaign statistics (points, influence bar)
$campaignStats = $module->getCampaignStats($campaign);
// Get information about Military Unit
$unit = $module->getUnit(5);
// Get information about regiment in Military Unit
$regiment = $module->getRegiment(5, 1);
// Choose side in resistance war
$module->chooseSide(42113, MilitaryModule::SIDE_ATTACKER);
// Choose weapon Q7 for particular campaign
$module->changeWeapon(42113, 7);
// Make single kill in campaign
// Check Daily Order status
$doStatus = $module->getDailyOrderStatus();
// ...then get reward if completed
if ($doStatus['do_reward_on'] == true) {
$module->getDailyOrderReward($doStatus['do_mission_id'], $doStatus['groupId']);
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Exchange\ExchangeModule;
$module = new ExchangeModule($client);
// Offers for buy currency, page 1
$offers = $module->scan(ExchangeModule::CURRENCY, 1);
// Offers for buy gold, page 20
$offers = $module->scan(ExchangeModule::GOLD, 20);
// Access current gold and currency amounts
$gold = $offers->getGoldAmount();
$cc = $offers->getCurrencyAmount();
// Get paginator
$paginator = $offers->getPaginator();
echo $paginator->getCurrentPage(); // Display current page number
echo $paginator->getLastPage(); // Display last page number
// Buy offer
$response = $module->buy($offerId, $amountToBuy);
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\JobMarket\JobMarketModule;
$module = new JobMarketModule($client);
// Job offers in Poland, page 1
use Erpk\Common\EntityManager;
$em = EntityManager::getInstance();
$countries = $em->getRepository('\Erpk\Common\Entity\Country');
$poland = $countries->findOneByCode('PL');
$offers = $module->scan($poland, 1);
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Market\MarketModule;
$module = new MarketModule($client);
// Q7 weapons offers in Poland, page 1
use Erpk\Common\EntityManager;
$em = EntityManager::getInstance();
$countries = $em->getRepository('Erpk\Common\Entity\Country');
$industries = $em->getRepository('Erpk\Common\Entity\Industry');
$poland = $countries->findOneByCode('PL');
$weapons = $industries->findOneByCode('weapons');
$offers = $module->scan($poland, $weapons, 7, 1);
// And now buy some weapons
$response = $module->buy($offers[0], 15);
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Country\CountryModule;
$module = new CountryModule($client);
// Get Country entity instance
use Erpk\Common\EntityManager;
$em = EntityManager::getInstance();
$countries = $em->getRepository('Erpk\Common\Entity\Country');
$poland = $countries->findOneByCode('PL');
// Get country's society data
$society = $module->getSociety($poland);
// Get country's economic data
$eco = $module->getEconomy($poland);
// Get list of online citizens (page 3)
$onlineCitizens = $module->getOnlineCitizens($poland, 3);
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Management\ManagementModule;
$module = new ManagementModule($client);
// Refill energy
// Get items in inventory
// Train in all (four) training grounds
$module->train(true, true, true, true);
// Work as employee
// Get owned companies
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Management\Company;
$companies = $module->getCompanies(); // Returns CompanyCollection object
$companies->filter(function (Company $company) {
// Filter out all companies where you've already worked as Manager
// and which are not raw companies
return $company->hasAlreadyWorked() === false
&& $company->isRaw() === true;
foreach ($companies as $company) { // Iterate filtered Companies
echo $company->getId(); // Display company ID
$companies->reset(); // Resets previously added filters
// Work as manager
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Management\WorkQueue;
$queue = new WorkQueue;
foreach ($companies as $company) { // Iterate previously filtered CompanyCollection
$queue->add($company, true, 0); // Work in company as Manager without employees assigned
// Get rewards for daily tasks
// Send private message to citizen with ID 123456
'Subject of message',
'Content of message'
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Media\PressModule;
use Erpk\Harvester\Module\Media\Article;
$press = new PressModule($client);
// Create new article
$article = $press->publishArticle(
'Test article',
'Article body',
// Edit existing article
'Test article 2',
'Another body',
// Remove article
// Don't you have an Article object instance? Create new one from URL
$article = Article::createFromUrl('http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/test-article-123456/1/20');
// Access ID of article
echo $article->getId(); // outputs "test-article-123456"