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Update input.js
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Twshuai authored Sep 6, 2024
1 parent 986c40a commit c09a2cb
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 139 deletions.
263 changes: 124 additions & 139 deletions input.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,145 +1,130 @@
const $ = new Env('饿了么食神客栈');
const {
validateCarmeWithType: validateCarmeWithType,
getCookies: getCookies,
getUserInfoWithX: getUserInfoWithX,
wait: wait,
tryCatchPromise: tryCatchPromise,
checkCk: checkCk
} = require("./common.js"),
_0x286a61 = require("request"),
_0x127a18 = process.env.ELE_CARME,
_0x5210b0 = 23,
_0x3d6440 = require("md5");

function _0x1a523b (_0x10b6c8) {
if (!_0x10b6c8) {
return "-1";
validateCarmeWithType: _0xd12380,
commonRequest: _0x5da2a0,
getCookies: _0x14503f,
getUserInfoWithX: _0x1c9f9d,
getUserInfo: getUserInfo,
wait: _0x1e0e6b,
tryCatchPromise: _0x358f23,
checkCk: _0x507b71,
} = require("./common.js"),
md5 = require("md5"),
_0x34af9d = require("request"),
_0x1b471c = process.env.ELE_CARME,
HOST = process.env.HOST || "",
_0x24ea83 = 3,
_0xa09546 = require("crypto");
async function _0x2ba1e4(_0x87a808) {
let _0x56f9d2 = {
missionCollectionId: "894",
locationInfos: "[\"{\\\"lng\\\":\\\"120.21993197500706\\\",\\\"lat\\\":\\\"30.178378857672215\\\"}\"]",
bizScene: "SSKZ",
instance: "INNER"
_0x188fce = "";
try {
const _0x196558 = await _0x5da2a0(_0x87a808, JSON.stringify(_0x56f9d2), _0x188fce, _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);
if ( {

for (var _0x12eabb = _0x10b6c8.split(";"), _0x406903 = 0; _0x406903 < _0x12eabb.length; _0x406903++) {
var _0x450595 = _0x12eabb[_0x406903].split("=");

if ([" _m_h5_tk", "_m_h5_tk"].includes(_0x450595[0])) {
return _0x450595[1];

return "-1";
} catch (_0x1a7101) {
return null;

const _0x5cf4f4 = async (_0x2bc6f9, _0x1c444f, _0x42b574 = 5) => {
const _0x255e82 = _0x1a523b(_0x2bc6f9),
_0x192a0b = _0x255e82.split("_")[0];

return _0x3d6440(_0x192a0b + _0x1c444f);

async function _0x389e0e (_0x46c612, _0x150ab1) {
const _0x4dfa75 = {
"authority": "",
"accept": "application/json",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"cookie": _0x46c612,
"x-miniapp-id-taobao": "3000000091262411",
"x-miniapp-version": "0.0.116",
"x-mini-appkey": "34416858",
"x-req-appkey": "34416858",
"appid": "3000000091262411"
_0x303357 = new Date().getTime(),
_0x46d5fd = 34190632,
_0xb1a4b3 = "data=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(_0x150ab1)),
_0x529b7d = await _0x5cf4f4(_0x46c612, "&" + _0x303357 + "&" + _0x46d5fd + "&" + JSON.stringify(_0x150ab1), _0x127a18),
_0x2737f2 = {
"url": "" + _0x303357 + "&sign=" + _0x529b7d + "&",
"method": "POST",
"headers": _0x4dfa75,
"body": _0xb1a4b3

return tryCatchPromise(_0x712b47 => {
_0x286a61(_0x2737f2, async (_0x2ad7cf, _0x12230a, _0x4bc800) => {
if (!_0x2ad7cf && _0x12230a.statusCode === 200) {
try {
const _0x18c432 = JSON.parse(_0x4bc800);

} catch (_0x24a035) {

} else {
async function _0x56dea5(_0x589b7c, _0x10e2ad, _0x4b4d9b, _0x447c6b) {
const _0xfebe66 = {
collectionId: _0x4b4d9b,
missionId: _0x10e2ad,
actionCode: "PAGEVIEW",
pageFrom: _0x447c6b,
viewTime: "15",
bizScene: "SSKZ",
accountPlan: "KB_ORCHARD",
sync: "false"
return await _0x5da2a0(_0x589b7c, JSON.stringify(_0xfebe66), "", _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);

async function _0x457235 (_0x3e73c2, _0x41297f, _0x18d496) {
const _0x2f8479 = {
"accept": "application/json",
"cache-control": "no-cache",
"content-type": "application/json",
"cookie": _0x3e73c2,
"User-Agent": "okhttp/3.14.9",
"Host": "",
"startToken": "150483272097295"
_0x3d6fd6 = {
"url": "" + _0x18d496,
"method": "POST",
"headers": _0x2f8479,
"body": JSON.stringify(_0x41297f)
return tryCatchPromise(_0x3a77cc => {
_0x286a61(_0x3d6fd6, async (_0x10940a, _0x2890da, _0x5f1995) => {
if (!_0x10940a && _0x2890da.statusCode === 200) {
try {
const _0x4f973a = JSON.parse(_0x5f1995);

} catch (_0x27a6e2) {

} else {
async function _0x435ec7(_0x2c858d, _0x2332d1, _0x4b59f3, _0x5aa3cc) {
const _0xfd0d4c = {
missionCollectionId: _0x4b59f3,
missionId: _0x2332d1,
bizScene: "SSKZ",
extInfo: "{\"uid\":\"1899178\"}",
instance: "INNER",
instanceId: _0x5aa3cc,
locationInfos: "[\"{\\\"lng\\\":\\\"120.220926\\\",\\\"lat\\\":\\\"30.178582\\\"}\"]",
count: "1",
asac: "169932820075525472118"
let _0x52d858 = await _0x5da2a0(_0x2c858d, JSON.stringify(_0xfd0d4c), "", _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);
_0x52d858 && && console.log("完成任务");

async function _0x566cc1 (_0x184c2c) {
const _0x2809bb = new Date().getTime(),
_0x26b748 = {
"body": "{}",
"headers": "{}",
"instance": "INNER",
"method": "GET",
"options": "{\"cloudAppId\":\"47729\",\"domain\":\"\",\"timeout\":3000,\"env\":\"online\",\"options\":{\"path\":\"pages/index/index\"}}",
"path": "elmeisv.php?method=getOpenid",
"protocols": "{\"Content-Type\":\"application/json\",\"mc-timestamp\":\"" + _0x2809bb + "\",\"mc-env\":\"online\"}",
"queryString": "{}",
"sdkVersion": "1.5.5"
_0x2c0650 = await _0x389e0e(_0x184c2c, _0x26b748);

if (_0x2c0650) {
return JSON.parse(_0x2c0650).openid;
async function _0x5c575e(_0x51b2b, _0x3d9812, _0x5953dd) {
const _0x51bea2 = {
missionCollectionId: _0x5953dd,
missionId: _0x3d9812,
locationInfos: "[\"{\\\"lng\\\":\\\"120.21993197500706\\\",\\\"lat\\\":\\\"30.178378857672215\\\"}\"]",
bizScene: "duobao_external",
accountPlan: "HAVANA_COMMON",
count: "1",
asac: "2A233157IJYIGQ95WFIIFJ",
umiToken: "1",
ua: "1"
let _0x3eaff1 = await _0x5da2a0(_0x51b2b, JSON.stringify(_0x51bea2), "", _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);
_0x3eaff1 && _0x3eaff1.rlist && console.log("完成任务");
async function _0x225d6b(_0x28c9b8, _0xad0080, _0x360139) {
const _0x34921e = {
missionCollectionId: _0xad0080,
missionId: _0x360139,
bizScene: "SSKZ",
instance: "INNER"
let _0x13cd23 = await _0x5da2a0(_0x28c9b8, JSON.stringify(_0x34921e), "", _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);
if ( {
async function _0x1c7fe9(_0x36170e, _0x2bc613) {
const _0x32eb18 = {
missionCollectionId: _0x2bc613,
locationInfos: "[\"{\\\"lng\\\":120.21993197500706,\\\"lat\\\":30.178378857672215}\"]",
bizScene: "SSKZ",
instance: "INNER"
let _0x385bea = await _0x5da2a0(_0x36170e, JSON.stringify(_0x32eb18), "", _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);
if ( {
async function _0x137da9(_0x29d5c1, _0x1cac3f, _0xaed74f) {
const _0x5eecad = {
missionCollectionId: _0x1cac3f,
missionId: _0xaed74f,
bizScene: "SSKZ",
accountPlan: "KB_ORCHARD",
locationInfos: "[\"{\\\"lng\\\":\\\"120.21993197500706\\\",\\\"lat\\\":\\\"30.178378857672215\\\"}\"]"
let _0x5647f1 = await _0x5da2a0(_0x29d5c1, JSON.stringify(_0x5eecad), "", _0x24ea83, "", process.env.x5sec);
if ( {

async function _0x4e7ec3 (_0x5ebbac, _0xee6b04) {
const _0x342272 = new Date().getTime(),
_0xb98c1c = {
"handler": "login",
"auth_code": _0xee6b04,
"attach": null,
"platform_id": "taoteGame2",
"channel_id": 1002,
"cver": "1.0.1",

async function _0x207944(_0x341584) {
const _0x599a4d = await _0x2ba1e4(_0x341584);
for (const _0x336e26 of _0x599a4d) {
let _0x3fb601 = _0x336e26.missionCollectionId,
_0x2d4aea = _0x336e26.missionDefId;
if (_0x336e26.status === "FINISH") {
await _0x435ec7(_0x341584, _0x2d4aea, _0x3fb601,;
} else {
if (_0x336e26.actionConfig.actionType === "PAGEVIEW" && _0x336e26.status === "RUNNING") {
await _0x225d6b(_0x341584, _0x3fb601, _0x2d4aea);
let _0x57d6ce = await _0x137da9(_0x341584, _0x3fb601, _0x2d4aea);
if (_0x57d6ce.status === "RUNNING") {
await _0x56dea5(_0x341584, _0x2d4aea, _0x3fb601, _0x336e26.actionConfig.actionValue.pageSpm);
await _0x1e0e6b(3);
let _0x59f885 = await _0x1c7fe9(_0x341584, _0x3fb601);
for (let _0x1ef57e = 0; _0x1ef57e < _0x59f8

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