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biomurph committed Oct 19, 2022
2 parents 17fcb08 + e29194b commit 7c54ce5
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185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions Test Firmware/EarpieceManualMixing_wSD/EarpieceManualMixing_wSD.ino
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@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
// EarpieceManualMixing_wSD
// Created: Eric Yuan, Jan 2020 (Updated by Chip Audette Aug 2021)
// Purpose: This example is used to test the earpieces. Plug the earpiece into the port above the black headphone jack;
// the other port is not used.
// The volume pot on the side of the Tympan also controls the overall output volume.
// MIT License. Use at your own risk. Have fun!

//here are the libraries that we need
#include <Tympan_Library.h> //include the Tympan Library
#include "MixerFunctions.h" //functions for choosing inputs and doing the front-back mixing

//set the sample rate and block size
const float sample_rate_Hz = 44100.0f ; //24000 to 44117 to 96000 (or other frequencies in the table in AudioOutputI2S_F32)
const int audio_block_samples = 128; //do not make bigger than audio_block_SAMPLES from AudioStream.h (which is 128) Must be 128 for SD recording.
AudioSettings_F32 audio_settings(sample_rate_Hz, audio_block_samples);

// define classes to control the Tympan and the AIC_Shield
Tympan myTympan(TympanRev::E, audio_settings); //choose TympanRev::D or TympanRev::E
EarpieceShield earpieceShield(TympanRev::E, AICShieldRev::A); //Note that EarpieceShield is defined in the Tympan_Libarary in AICShield.h

// Instantiate the audio classes
AudioInputI2SQuad_F32 i2s_in(audio_settings); //Bring audio in
AudioMixer4_F32 inputMixerL(audio_settings); //For mixing (or not) the two mics in the left earpiece
AudioMixer4_F32 inputMixerR(audio_settings); //For mixing (or not) the two mics in the right earpiece
AudioOutputI2SQuad_F32 i2s_out(audio_settings); //Send audio out
AudioSDWriter_F32 audioSDWriter(audio_settings); //Write audio to the SD card (if activated)

//Connect the front and rear mics (from each earpiece) to input mixer for the left ear
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord1(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_LEFT_FRONT, inputMixerL, LEFT_FRONT); //Left-Front Mic
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord2(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_LEFT_REAR, inputMixerL, LEFT_REAR); //Left-Rear Mic
//AudioConnection_F32 patchcord3(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_RIGHT_FRONT, inputMixerL, RIGHT_FRONT); //Right-Front Mic
//AudioConnection_F32 patchcord4(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_RIGHT_REAR, inputMixerL, RIGHT_REAR); //Right-Rear Mic

//Connect the front and rear mics (from each earpiece) to input mixer for the right ear
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord5(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_LEFT_FRONT, inputMixerR, LEFT_FRONT); //Left-Front Mic
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord6(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_LEFT_REAR, inputMixerR, LEFT_REAR); //Left-Rear Mic
//AudioConnection_F32 patchcord7(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_RIGHT_FRONT, inputMixerR, RIGHT_FRONT); //Right-Front Mic
//AudioConnection_F32 patchcord8(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_RIGHT_REAR, inputMixerR, RIGHT_REAR); //Right-Rear Mic

//Connect the input mixers to both the Tympan and Shield audio outputs...which i2s output is associated with each audio output is in EarpieceShield.cpp
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord11(inputMixerL, 0, i2s_out, EarpieceShield::OUTPUT_LEFT_TYMPAN); //Tympan AIC, left output
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord12(inputMixerR, 0, i2s_out, EarpieceShield::OUTPUT_RIGHT_TYMPAN); //Tympan AIC, right output
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord13(inputMixerL, 0, i2s_out, EarpieceShield::OUTPUT_LEFT_EARPIECE); //Shield AIC, left output
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord14(inputMixerR, 0, i2s_out, EarpieceShield::OUTPUT_RIGHT_EARPIECE); //Shield AIC, right output

//Connect the input mixer to the SD card
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord21(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_LEFT_FRONT, audioSDWriter, 0); //connect Raw audio to SD writer
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord22(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_LEFT_REAR, audioSDWriter, 1); //connect Raw audio to SD writer
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord23(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_RIGHT_FRONT, audioSDWriter, 2); //connect Raw audio to SD writer
AudioConnection_F32 patchcord24(i2s_in, EarpieceShield::PDM_RIGHT_REAR, audioSDWriter, 3); //connect Raw audio to SD writer

// //////////////// Control display and serial interaction via USB Serial
#include "State.h" //For enums
#include "SerialManager.h" //For processing serial communication
SerialManager serialManager;

//Static Variables
static float outputVolume_dB = 0.0;
static float inputGain_dB = 0.0;

// ///////////////// Main setup() and loop() as required for all Arduino programs
void setup() {
myTympan.beginBothSerial(); delay(1500);
Serial.println("EarpieceManualMixing_wSD: setup():...");
Serial.print("Sample Rate (Hz): "); Serial.println(audio_settings.sample_rate_Hz);
Serial.print("Audio Block Size (samples): "); Serial.println(audio_settings.audio_block_samples);

//allocate the dynamic memory for audio processing blocks
AudioMemory_F32(40,audio_settings); //I can only seem to allocate 400 blocks

//Enable the Tympan and AIC shields to start the audio flowing!

//Set the state of the LEDs

//prepare the SD writer for the format that we want and any error statements
audioSDWriter.setNumWriteChannels(4); //four channels for this quad recorder, but you could set it to 2
Serial.print("SD configured for "); Serial.print(audioSDWriter.getNumWriteChannels()); Serial.println(" channels.");

//set headphone volume (will be overwritten by the volume pot)
setOutputVolume_dB(10.0); //dB, -63.6 to +24 dB in 0.5dB steps.

//Choose the input source
setInputSource(INPUT_PDMMICS); //choose PDM Mics, which are the mics in the Tympan Earpieces

//For each earpiece, mix front and back mics equally

//End of setup
Serial.println("Setup: complete.");


void loop() {
//respond to Serial commands
while (Serial.available()) serialManager.respondToByte((char); //USB Serial
//while (Serial1.available()) serialManager.respondToByte((char); //BT Serial

//service the SD recording
audioSDWriter.serviceSD_withWarnings(i2s_in); //For the warnings, it asks the i2s_in class for some info

//service the LEDs...blink slow normally, blink fast if recording
myTympan.serviceLEDs(millis(),audioSDWriter.getState() == AudioSDWriter::STATE::RECORDING);

//periodicallly check the potentiometer
servicePotentiometer(millis(),100); //service the potentiometer every 100 msec

// ///////////////// Servicing routines

//servicePotentiometer: listens to the blue potentiometer and sends the new pot value
// to the audio processing algorithm as a control parameter
void servicePotentiometer(unsigned long curTime_millis, unsigned long updatePeriod_millis) {
//static unsigned long updatePeriod_millis = 100; //how many milliseconds between updating the potentiometer reading?
static unsigned long lastUpdate_millis = 0;
static float prev_val = -1.0;

//has enough time passed to update everything?
if (curTime_millis < lastUpdate_millis) {
lastUpdate_millis = 0; //handle wrap-around of the clock

if ((curTime_millis - lastUpdate_millis) > updatePeriod_millis) { //is it time to update the user interface?
//read potentiometer
float val = float(myTympan.readPotentiometer()) / 1023.0; //Output 0.0 to 1.0
val = (1.0/8.0) * (float)((int)(8.0 * val + 0.5)); //quantize X steps (to reduce chatter). Output 0.0 to 1.0

//send the potentiometer value to your algorithm as a control parameter
if (abs(val - prev_val) > 0.05) { //is it different than before?
prev_val = val; //save the value for comparison for the next time around

//choose the desired gain value based on the knob setting
const float min_gain_dB = -10.0, max_gain_dB = 30.0; //set desired gain range
float vol_dB = min_gain_dB + (max_gain_dB - min_gain_dB)*val; //computed desired gain value in dB

//command the new gain setting
Serial.print("servicePotentiometer: Headphone (dB) = "); Serial.println(vol_dB); //print text to Serial port for debugging

lastUpdate_millis = curTime_millis;

} // end if
} //end servicePotentiometer();

// ////////////// Change settings of system from the Serial Monitor

//here's a function to change the volume settings. We'll also invoke it from our serialManager
void incrementInputGain(float increment_dB) { setInputGain_dB(inputGain_dB+increment_dB);}
void setInputGain_dB(float newGain_dB) {
//Record new gain
inputGain_dB = newGain_dB;

//Set gain
myTympan.setInputGain_dB(inputGain_dB); //set the AIC on the main Tympan board
earpieceShield.setInputGain_dB(inputGain_dB); //set the AIC on the Earpiece Shield
Serial.print("Input Gain: "); Serial.print(inputGain_dB); Serial.println("dB");

//Increment Headphone Output Volume
void incrementKnobGain(float increment_dB) { setOutputVolume_dB(outputVolume_dB+increment_dB);}
void setOutputVolume_dB(float newVol_dB) {
//Update output volume;Limit vol_dB to safe values
outputVolume_dB = max(min(newVol_dB, 24.0),-60.0);

//Set output volume
myTympan.volume_dB(outputVolume_dB); // headphone amplifier. -63.6 to +24 dB in 0.5dB steps.
Serial.print("Output Volume: "); Serial.print(outputVolume_dB); Serial.println("dB");

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