Executes a .pos file action for a NAO robot, a filetype defined in rUNSWift's codebase.
On a terminal on the robot, run
ros2 run nao_lola_client nao_lola_client
In a new terminal (either on robot, or on your machine), run
ros2 run naosoccer_pos_action naosoccer_pos_action
In a new terminal (either on robot, or on your machine), publish a start message
ros2 topic pub --once start_pos_action std_msgs/msg/Bool '{data: true}'
In a new terminal, run
ros2 run rcss3d_nao rcss3d_nao
In a new terminal, run
ros2 run naosoccer_pos_action naosoccer_pos_action
In a new terminal, publish a start message
ros2 topic pub --once start_pos_action std_msgs/msg/Bool '{data: true}'
Pos files define the different motions, and can be specified using a ros parameter for the naosoccer_pos_action node. To set the parameter, when running the naosoccer_pos_action node in the steps above, instead do the following:
ros2 run naosoccer_pos_action naosoccer_pos_action --ros-args -p "file:=src/naosoccer_pos_action/pos/tilt.pos"