a large undulating mass of cloud services
List all services
usage: billow-list [-h] [-a] [-r REGION] [--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]]
[-j | -y]
billow list
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
Get service configuration.
This is currently a mock of a future config grammar.
usage: billow-get [-h] [-a] [-r REGION] [--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]]
[-j | -y] [--info]
billow get
positional arguments:
SERVICE list of services to get
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--info full info (default: False)
Find Launch Configurations for a service, ordered from newest
usage: billow-find-configs [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
billow find configs
positional arguments:
config config to find
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
List Launch Configurations based on a match string
usage: billow-list-configs [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
billow list configs
positional arguments:
config config to find
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
Find instance images, newest first
usage: billow-find-images [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
billow find images
positional arguments:
image image to find
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
List instance images by regex
usage: billow-list-images [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]]
[-j | -y | --regex REGEX]
billow list images
positional arguments:
image image to find
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--regex REGEX regex filter (default: None)
Rotate the instances of a service.
usage: billow-rotate [-h] [-a] [-r REGION] [--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]]
[-j | -y] [--nowait | --timeout TIMEOUT]
billow rotate
positional arguments:
service service to rotate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--nowait do not wait for termination (default: False)
--timeout TIMEOUT action timeout in seconds (default: None)
Show rotation configuration present in the service tags
usage: billow-rotate-info [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
billow rotate
positional arguments:
service service to rotate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
Deregister an instance from its load balancer
usage: billow-rotate-deregister [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
[--nowait | --timeout TIMEOUT]
[--service SERVICE]
billow rotate deregister
positional arguments:
instance instance to deregister
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--nowait do not wait for termination (default: False)
--timeout TIMEOUT action timeout in seconds (default: None)
--service SERVICE service (default: None)
Rotate a single instance in a service
usage: billow-rotate-instance [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
[--nowait | --timeout TIMEOUT]
[--service SERVICE]
billow rotate instance
positional arguments:
instance instance to rotate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--nowait do not wait for termination (default: False)
--timeout TIMEOUT action timeout in seconds (default: None)
--service SERVICE service (default: None)
Register an instance with the service's load balancers
usage: billow-rotate-register [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
[--nowait | --timeout TIMEOUT]
[--service SERVICE]
billow rotate deregister
positional arguments:
instance instance to register
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--nowait do not wait for termination (default: False)
--timeout TIMEOUT action timeout in seconds (default: None)
--service SERVICE service (default: None)
Show service status (if available)
usage: billow-rotate-status [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
billow rotate
positional arguments:
service service to rotate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
Terminate an instance in a service
usage: billow-rotate-terminate [-h] [-a] [-r REGION]
[--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]] [-j | -y]
[--nowait | --timeout TIMEOUT]
[--service SERVICE]
instance [instance ...]
billow rotate terminate
positional arguments:
instance instances to terminate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --auto auto-detect (default: False)
-r REGION, --region REGION
ec2 region (default: None)
--regions [REGIONS [REGIONS ...]]
ec2 regions (default: None)
-j, --json json output (default: False)
-y, --yaml yaml output (default: False)
--nowait do not wait for termination (default: False)
--timeout TIMEOUT action timeout in seconds (default: None)
--service SERVICE service (default: None)