This module provides classes for managing the puppet agent and puppet master. It will setup passenger and apache on the puppetmaster. Please note this will not setup puppetdb. This can be configured using the puppetdb module Storedconfigs with puppetdb will only work on puppet versions newer than 2.7.12.
If you are using a RedHat based OS you also need to have the EPEL repo configured as this module requires the passenger apache module.
Requires the following modules from puppetforge: stdlib, apache, concat, inifile
If you are using this module to install a puppetmaster and serving the manifest of the machine. You may have issues with it halting the puppet master if it is running through webrick. In which case run a single puppet run using
puppet apply -e "class{'puppet::repo::puppetlabs': } Class['puppet::repo::puppetlabs'] -> Package <| |> class { 'puppetdb': } class { 'puppet::master': storeconfigs => true }"
class { 'puppetdb': }
class { 'puppet::master':
storeconfigs => true,
Puppet 3.5 introduced a new way of handling Puppet environments known as Directory Environments. This is expected to become the default configuration as of Puppet 4.0, this module supports both methods.
class { 'puppet::master': }
puppet::masterenv {'dev':
modulepath => '/etc/puppet/env/dev/modules',
manifest => '/etc/puppet/env/dev/site.pp',
puppet::masterenv {'production':
modulepath => '/etc/puppet/env/production/modules',
manifest => '/etc/puppet/env/production/site.pp',
class { 'puppet::master':
environments => 'directory',
Optionally, an environmentpath
parameter can be supplied to configure the base root of Puppet environments, this defaults to $confdir/environments
class { 'puppet::agent':
puppet_server => master.puppetlabs.vm,
environment => production,
splay => true,
Install gems:
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Lint and rspec-puppet:
bundle exec rake lint
bundle exec rake spec
If you have a working Vagrant setup you can run the rspec-system tests:
bundle exec rake spec:system
To use different base boxes than the default pass the name of the box to
the rake command with the RSPEC_SET
environment variable (check out
.nodelist.yml for box names):
RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64 bundle exec rake spec:system