Tools Required:
- Matlab 2017b (with HDL coder) or higher
- Xilinx 2017 Version or higher
Skills: Need to know how to export the model developed using Matlab simulink to HDL (Verilog or VHDL) using HDL Coder.
All individual simulink blocks for each preprocessing blocks has been added in separate folder. After installing Matlab and Xilinx in same PC/Laptop (after configuring Matlab to Xilinx) open the individual block after downloading it and run the simulink blocks.
if you face any difficulty in downloading and running the blocks please feel free to mail me at [email protected]
Note: If you have rferred or used this model in your manuscript dont forget to cite this book chapter (BibTex) @incollection{10.1088/978-0-7503-3923-0ch13, author = {Udaya Shankar, S and Rajalakshmi, K}, title = {High level synthesis of fingerprint authentication system}, booktitle = {Advances in Image and Data Processing using VLSI Design, Volume 2}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, year = {2022}, series = {2053-2563}, type = {Book Chapter}, pages = {13-1 to 13-33}, abstract = {In chapter 13, Udaya et al have provided a high-level synthesis of a fingerprint authentication system. The chapter focuses on another aspect of security. Fingerprints are one of the first biometric features that are used to identify a person. Securing them and properly classifying them is a challenging task. The authors explain the process require to handle such images and implement a system to synthesize the hardware for the same.}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/978-0-7503-3923-0ch13}, doi = {10.1088/978-0-7503-3923-0ch13}, isbn = {978-0-7503-3923-0} }