Releases: UiL-OTS-labs-backoffice/UiL-OTS-Video-Coding-System
Alpha v2.2.0
This version adds support for VLC 3 and Java 11+. It also drops support for any version below these versions.
There are no functional changes, so for now you can still use version 2.1.3 when upgrading VLC or Java is not feasible.
Note: Alpha is the name of this release. Thus, it is not an alpha build
Melpomenia V2.1
The application now shows a splash screen when starting up, to indicate activity
Melpomenia V2.1
New in this version:
- Open UiL OTS Video Coding Project files directly from command line
- Forcefully set the path to VLC
Now includes:
- Installer for Windows
- Checks the system for Java, and installs Java 8 (v75) if Java isn't already installed
- Checks for VLC and installs VLC (version 2.2.1) if VLC isn't already installed
- Installs the UiL OTS Video Coding System, with the option to create startmenu and desktop shortcuts, and associale all .UiL files with the UiL OTS Video Coding System
- Portable exe file
- Uses a portable version of VLC, no install required
- Only works if Java is installed
Version 2.1.0 of the UiL OTS Video Coding System has officially been released.
The software received an enourmous visual overhaul. A timeline at the bottom of the screen now indicates where different trials and looks have been created. This is also where the total look time of a trial and the duration of a look can now be seen, where comments can be editted and viewed and where trials or looks can be editted or deleted from the project.
- Timeline has been added, which now provides almost all functionality that used to reside in the menu, and which includes a lot of new features.
- A video is checked for compatibility when creating or opening a project
- Automatic save functionality have been added, with the option to recover if the project was closed unexpectedly
- Quick keys work more consistently than before
- More consistency with frame stepping (especially with frame back)
Solaria v2
In this version, several bugs have been fixed:
- Time-out text appeared when time-out was disabled. This is now solved
- Now also uses a default search path for Ubuntu Linux. Might make starting up easier
- Dots and dashes are now allowed in project name
This is the first official release of the UiL OTS Video Coding System.
In this version:
- Add trials and looks
- Get automated warning when a look is too late (resulting in a timeout, this is optional)
- Use frame-by-frame step-trough navigation
- Easy overview
- Add comments to looks and trials
- Export data to CSV (2 formats)