Football Manager Simulator is a website that allows the user to decide the best team in a league. The website has two separate functions. It allows the user to either see a detailed ranking of football players. It also allows the user to view a detailed pitch-view of the best possible line up that can be created after selecting their desired line-up formation. Football Manager Simulator is a passion project for our group, and we hope this Website can be enjoyed by both Football fanatics and an average user alike.
The website, aptly titled “Football Manager Simulator” has two separate functions that it can perform:
Ranking the players: Using our detailed database, it is possible to achieve separate rankings for all players in the Premier League, based on the player's position. These players are ranked on relevant statistics such as Goals Scored, Assists etc.
Creating a dream team: On selecting the formation of user’s choice, with added constraints, the website displays the best possible team that fits the selected criteria. For example, it is possible to select the best all-French, under 23 team that plays a 4-4-2 formation. Football Manager Simulator is a passion project for our group, and we hope this Website can be enjoyed by both Football fanatics and an average user alike.