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Navigation and localization

Mitchell Epp edited this page May 1, 2020 · 6 revisions

Navigation and localization


We use the ROS Navigation Stack for navigation and path planning. The navigation stack is a complicated and highly configurable piece of software, but in our configuration it takes as input

  • An estimate of the rover's current pose from the global EKF, as an Odometry message from the topic /ekf/map/odometry/filtered.
  • A point cloud of all obstacles in front of the rover, as found using RTAB-Map's point cloud obstacle segmentation, from the /obstacles_detection/obstacles topic. The navigation stack can also take raw sensor inputs and find obstacles from those, but RTAB-Map's method is more sophisticated.

The navigation stack can also take as input a map of the environment. This is a sort of "base map" to which the navigation stack adds obstacles from its sensors. There is no requirement that this map be similar or identical to the map used in localization or SLAM. It can even be blank, in which case navigation is performed entirely using detected obstacles. We do not use this input, however.

The navigation stack outputs Twist messages to the topic /rover_diff_drive_controller/cmd_vel describing how the rover should move. It is not responsible for determining how exactly the wheels should turn in order to perform this movement.

More details about move_base

Overview of components

A costmap is a map of the robot's environment used by move_base. A costmap is configurable mainly through its set of layers, but I don't know much about how that works so I'll skip it for now. The important thing about a costmap is that it can have various sensors associated with it, which add or remove obstacles from the map.

move_base uses two costmaps, which are hard-coded to be called global_costmap and local_costmap. The global_costmap is used by the global planner, which performs high-level path planning, and the local_costmap is used by the local planner, which generates wheel movements to roughly follow the global plan while taking into account robot dynamics and obstacles. The global planner and the local planner are sometimes referred to in the source code as the planner and the controller (unless I'm misreading the source code).

By default, the global planner is navfn/NavfnROS and the local planner is base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS. These can be changed by setting the base_global_planner and base_local_planner parameters in move_base.

Configuring and launching the components

The navigation stack is launched by launching the move_base node with an enormous amount of parameters in various namespaces. Suppose that the move_base node is launched in the global namespace and named move_base. Then,

  • Parameters of move_base itself (e.g. base_local_planner, base_global_planner) go under /move_base.
  • Parameters of the local costmap (e.g. global_frame, plugins) go under /move_base/local_costmap, and parameters of the global costmap go under /move_base/global_costmap. Parameters of a specific layer of a costmap go under /move_base/<costmap>/<layer-name>.
  • Parameters of the global and local planners (e.g. allow_unknown, xy_goal_tolerance) go into a namespace which depends on what planner is being used. For example, if navfn/NavfnROS is being used as the global planner, then its parameters go under /move_base/NavfnROS.

Here's an example (incomplete) configuration:

  # Configure move_base node
  base_local_planner: base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS
  base_global_planner: navfn/NavfnROS
  # Configure local planner
    xy_goal_tolerance: 1.0
    yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.5
  # Configure global planner
    allow_unknown: true
  # Configure local costmap
    global_frame: odom
    # The map uses two layers, which I choose to call "obstacle_layer" and "inflation_layer"
    - {name: obstacle_layer,  type: "costmap_2d::VoxelLayer"}
    - {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
    # Configure the layers
      # The obstacle layer uses a laser scan to add/remove obstacles.
      # I choose to call the sensor "laser_scan_sensor".
      observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor
        data_type: LaserScan
        topic: /obstacles_detection/scan
  # Configure global costmap
    global_frame: map

In practice, this configuration is usually loaded from multiple yaml files. See the launch file move_base.launch in the spear_rover package, as well as the configuration files in spear_rover/config/move_base.

List of parameters

Finding out which parameters can be configured for each component is a lot trickier than it should be. Not all parameters are documented, and move_base tries to be smart and move parameters around if necessary, which makes it tricky to read code produced by other groups. In theory, the following sources list the parameters:

If a parameter is being used that doesn't show up in the preceding lists, it's probably undocumented and you'll need to go to the source code to figure out what it is. The code can be found here: As a quick note, the code for individual costmap layers is found in the costmap_2d/plugins directory.


As mentioned above, the ROS navigation stack needs an estimate of the rover's current pose. We use multiple EKFs implemented by the package robot_localization to provide this estimate.

The first EKF, the local or odom EKF, provides a smooth but drifting position estimate suitable for navigation. The second, the global or map EKF, provides a non-smooth but stable position estimate. The first EKF fuses

  • relative linear velocity from wheel odometry
  • linear and angular velocity from visual odometry
  • absolute orientation from the IMU

and the second fuses all of these sources, with the addition of

  • absolute position from the GPS

For more information, see the launch file state_estimate.launch in the spear_rover package, as well as the configuration files in spear_rover/config/ekf.