Group: Remote Application Programming (RAPI) - Library: rapi
Pocket PC: custom RAPI class for operating with the Object Store Databases
BOOL CeDeleteRecord(
HANDLE hDatabase,
CEOID oidRecord
DECLARE INTEGER CeDeleteRecord IN rapi;
INTEGER hDatabase,;
INTEGER oidRecord
hDatabase [in] Handle to the database from which the record is to be deleted. The database must be open. Open a database by calling the CeOpenDatabase function.
oidRecord [in] Object identifier of the record to be deleted; this is obtained from CeOpenDatabase.
TRUE indicates success.
To add new record call CeWriteRecordProps with oidRecord set to zero. To delete a property of a record call CeWriteRecordProps with the CEDB_PROPDELETE flag set.
See also CeOpenDatabase, CeWriteRecordProps functions.