HyperComponents and Exception Handling!
HyperComponents are here (but only beginning)!
- HyperComponents: essentially a Wrapper for regular Components, which can then be configured via JSON. As of now there's only HyperComponents available for:
- DoubleSolenoid (two HyperSolenoids, pretty much)
- WPI_TalonSRX
- Solenoid (adds a toggle method)
- WPI_VictorSPX
- Added SuperDoubleSolenoid SuperComponent.
- Driver Station no longer reports warnings, you must select "+Prints" option for JSON initialization errors.
- Doubled tolerance for triggering axisButton input (those pesky old controllers!).
- Finally got around to doing proper Exception handling.
- I don't exactly remember ALL changes in a new version, but I do document everything in every commit I do.