This repo is a collection of all Data structures and Algorithms implemented in javascript , that I will be documenting as a part of my study process.
My main aim in doing this , so that it will be easier for me to prepare for interviews rather than wandering over the net to find solutions. And also it will be a medium to motivate me to study and implement all the algorithms and keep it all in a separate cloud based platform so that i can access these resources from anywhere, anytime from any device.
And also , it's a public repo so please do go through this repo for your preps be it for academic purpose or for job interviews. This is my first step in contributing to the #DEVCommunity, as the community has helped me in a better way to shape me as a good developer.
Have also come up with a new Motto and trying to live by it - LEARN AND HELP OTHERS LEARN
This is a Work in progress repo. Will be adding new solutions frequently.
- Sliding Window
- Climbing Stairs - leetcode
- Buy Sell Stocks - leetcode
- Maximum Subarrays - leetcode
- House Robber - leetcode
- Longest Common Subsequence