Rick Roll Programming Language, a language for rickrolling!
Join this server to chat with cool people or for support
We currently need some people to join!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAXFkgsw1L7xaCfnd5JJOw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rickastley
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RickAstley
The syntax of RickRoll-Lang is not completely similar to Python
- It doesn't need indentation
- The code must be written inside the main method, otherwise the interpreter will not execute
- Every identifier (function or variable name) should contain more than one character
- The keywords can be separated freely
Rick Roll-Lang:
take me to ur heart
give msg up "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down~\n"
i just wanna tell u how im feeling msg
say goodbye
Equivalent to Python
if __name__ == '__main__':
msg = "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down~\n"
print(msg, end='')
Equivalent to C++
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
string msg = "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down~\n";
And you can get the output on your terminal:
Sorry, it's this:
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down~
The keywords can be separated freely
give msg up "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down~\n"
i justwanna telluhowim feeling msg
say good bye
This is also executable
Execute by converting .rickroll to Python
python3 RickRoll.py -py [Source Code File Name]
Execute by converting .rickroll to C++ (Requires g++ compiler and has numerous bugs)
python3 RickRoll.py -cpp [Source Code File Name]
Execute by interpreter
python3 RickRoll.py -intpr [Source Code File Name]
If you want to know the execution time:
Add "--time"
python3 RickRoll.py -py [Source Code File Name] --time
Generate and play an audio from .rickroll
python3 RickRoll.py -py [Source Code File Name] --audio
- Turing-complete
- Support Python 3.6+
- Keywords/statements are all comming from Rick Astley's lyrics
- Keywords can be separated freely
- Examples to get started
- Translate RickRoll source code to Python3 and C++
- Generate and play audios from .rickroll source code
- Documentation for both English and Chinese
How to use this generator:
python3 RickRoll.py -r [Source Code File Name] --audio
This generates an audio from the .rickroll program and plays it in your terminal
- Python libraries
- Python 3.6+
- G++ compiler (For translating RickRoll to C++)
We don't usually update The Chinese Documentation / 中文文档
In order to make RICK ROll becoming a world heritage, YOU and I still have a bunch of things to do!
- Add more keywords and built-in functions!
- Write algorithms in RickRoll-Lang and upload them to examples folder.
- Make syntax highlights for VS Code and Sublime!
- Improve the current audio generator!
- Improve the RickRoll interpreter!
- Support "writing code by singing"!
- Design a better icon!
- Sherlockcxk (Writing code)
- StepfenShawn (Revised typos in source code && fixed bugs)
- Lemonix-xxx (Making suggestions / advice)
- henriqueritter (Contributed to RickRoll example)
Wechat/微信: githubsherlockcxk
Discord: Satin Wuker#0572