Tooling and Interfacing for Knowledge Graphs Construction.
- core - core model of the framework
- llm - LLM interfaces (OpenAi, Anthropic, Google)
- provenance - TODO
- metrics - metrics for evaluation
- utils - helper methods
- tasks - single kgc tasks and tool interfaces
- datasets - input data acquisition and generation
- tests - tests with examples
- ui - web user intefaces
- starts a simple web interface
- scripts - handy scripts for development
Experiments for the paper "Towards self-configuring Knowledge Graph Construction Pipelines using LLMs - A Case Study with RML"
Iterate runs and requests LLM (generate RML+repair Turtle)
poetry run pytest -s kg_tests/ -k test_final
Generate Stats for paper
poetry run pytest -s kg_tests/ -k test_final
Inspect statistics and view F1 Scores for metrics
streamlit run kg_ui/
Final results
see config.yaml
pip install poetry
poetry install
see tests
All tools will be installed under tools
bash scripts/
- Currently all resources for RML4LLM are located under