CLAM static analyzer is a static analyzer based on abstract interpretation for μDyn, an imperative toy dynamic language. Full details of μDyn language and CLAM can be found in Completeness of Abstract Domains for String Analysis of JavaScript Programs presented in the 16th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2019).
The MuDyn syntax is reported in the following.
git clone
You can either build the Eclipse Project, run the JAR file clam.jar
java -jar clam.jar filename.js
or execute CLAM by using Docker
docker pull vincenzoarceri/clam
docker run -v /absolute/path/to/local/file.js:/file.js vincenzoarceri/clam file.js
Some options are available:
: set the TAJS string abstract domain (default)-safe
: set the SAFE string abstract domain-tajs-shell
: set the TAJS complete shell string abstract domain-safe-shell
: set the SAFE complete shell string abstract domain-tajs-comp
: performs the analysis with both the TAJS string domain and its complete shell (showing precision entropy information)-safe-comp
: performs the analysis with both the SAFE string domain and its complete shell (showing precision entropy information)-invariants
: prints the invariants for each program point. By default, it prints only the abstract state holding at the exit program point-help
: print the menu.
Consider the following μDyn program.
str = "24kobe8";
numbers = "";
notnumbers = "";
i = 0;
while (i < length(str)) {
if (toNum(charAt(str, i)) == 0) {
notnumbers = concat(notnumbers, charAt(str, i));
} else {
numbers = concat(numbers, charAt(str, i));
i = i + 1;
The output of java -jar -coalesced clam.jar file.js --tajs-comp
prints, for each prorgam point a table similar to the following (that is the table for the exit program point)
| Variable | TAJS original domain| TAJS shell domain | Precision increment|
| str | "24kobe8" | "24kobe8" | - |
| notnumbers| String | UnsignedOrNotNumeric| 1 |
| numbers | String | UnsignedOrNotNumeric| 1 |
| i | UnsignedInt | UnsignedInt | - |
- Vincenzo Arceri [email protected]
- Martina Olliaro [email protected]
- Agostino Cortesi [email protected]
- Isabella Mastroeni [email protected]