To build redis-demo image:
To run everything:
- Build docker image if absent docker build . -t 'redis-demo:1.0'
- Run everything docker-compose up
- Create remote configuration in Intellij
- ensure excludeDevtools configuration at build plugin
- create configuration as here
- Run/Debug remote configuration
- Test with 'curl -X GET localhost:8080/api/test'
- Change code and rebuild project
- Test with 'curl -X GET localhost:8080/api/test', docker container have to respond with new logic
- Redis datatypes
- Spring Data Redis repositories tutorial
To debug create remote configuration on 8000 port
To connect redis do:
- 'docker container ls' do get id of redis container
- 'docker exec -i -t <redis_container_id> redis-cli'
#todo Redis + PostgreSQL: both as cache and as datasync
Multi-dimensional index: Suppose you have all point from 0 to 100. Search ZRANGEBYLEX from = 00111100000000 to = 00111100111111. You substituted last 6 symbols. You will get rectangle with side length = 2^(6/2) - 1 = 2^3 - 1 = 7. The left bottom point of your rectangle will be value of 'from' = 00111100000000 = 48.
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/api/location/init
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/api/location/00111100000000/00111100111111/download -o ~/Desktop/result.csv
- Open ~/Desktop/result.csv at Microsoft Excel
- Select first two columns and Insert->Suggested Graphs...