Releases: VulpixelMC/world-in-a-jar
Releases · VulpixelMC/world-in-a-jar
World In a Jar 1.0.0-beta.4+1.21.1.blanketcon
- Jars can now be locked. They are locked by default and can be unlocked using the Glowcase Lock item.
- Only send a single block update to clients surrounding a jar when a BlockState is set.
- Bedrock Breaking mod compatibility.
World In a Jar 1.0.0-beta.3+1.21.1
- World borders less than ~65538 in size cause World Jars to spawn incorrectly.
- Skins don't load on fake players inside world jars.
- When loading the world, players sometimes become tiny.
World In a Jar 1.0.0-beta.2+1.21.1
- Unrelated block entities and entities occasionally render inside the world jar.
World In a Jar 1.0.0-beta.1+1.21.1
- Creative mode tab.
- Don't reload twice.
- Use the mod icon as the runtime resource pack icon.
- Use tooltips rather than lore in bark items.
1.0 Beta (1.0.0-beta.0+1.21)
- Players can see other players inside jars.
- Players can see blocks outside of a jar from within a jar.
- Working crafting recipes.
- Netherite Pickaxes and Bedrock Pickaxes can break Bedrock blocks which drop Bedrock Shards.
- Reinforced Echnoplast and Cork Block.
- An inner World Jar structure.
- Stripping logs drops bark.
- World Jar models now allow for a full jar of blocks to be rendered inside.
- World Jars now spawn players in a World Jar structure.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes among the refactors and rewrites.
- Sodium is fully compatible.
- Z-Fighting with the World Jar model.
Full Changelog: v0.3.0+0.20.1...v1.0.0-beta.0+1.21
Permissions (0.3.0+1.20.1)
- Added support for Fabric Permissions API (and thereby LuckPerms).
- Removed Pineapple.
Severe Bug Fixes (0.2.0+1.20.1)
- Fixed severe memory leaks.
- Jar scale maximum is now 64 (and shouldn't let you make it higher anymore).
- Slightly optimized world jar rendering.
- Players now spawn in the middle of the world jar (previously they would spawn +7.5 X, +7.5 Y from the position of the jar.)
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Removed Pineapple.
Small Bugfixes + Increased Jar Scale (0.2.0-rc.2)
- Increased the maximum scale for world jars to 64.
- Added a crafting recipe for world jars.
- Fixed rendering bugs that occurred when increasing the scale of the jar past 16.
- Fixed issue where blocks would sink to the bottom of the jar when increasing the scale.
- Removed Pineapple.
- Pumpkins are now restricted to level 5 personnel following repeated misuse.
Enhancements + New Icon (0.2.0-rc.1)
- Updated icon!
- Operators (2+) can now see if a jar is locked in its block hover tooltip when using WTHIT.
- Fixed biome colors.
- Misc. fixes and codebase enhancements.
- Removed Pineapple.
- World Jars no longer produce offspring.
Optimizations + BlanketCon '23 (0.2.0-pre.1)
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.1.
- Players now spawn in the center of a jar when entering
- Added a jar locking mechanism for operators level 2+ (to prevent griefing).
- Significantly optimized rendering.
- Fluids now render.
- Removed Pineapple.
- Villagers no longer scream.