#PiFace Server
PiFace Server is a simple socket based client / server for controlling an RaspberyPi
I/O board via a local network via socket or Internet via simple Asp.Net page.
The solution contains for projects
- PiFaceServer - the part intended to run on the RaspberyPi
- PiFaceClient - the client used to talk to the server
- PiFaceAPI - simple Asp.Net page proxy that talks to the server
- PiFaceClientTest - a simple console act as a client and tests the server
This is a product of 1 hour hackaton held a year ago, we recently demoed project and people wanted to see the code so here it is.
Created under time constraint, but still good as HelloWorld sample code.
When running under .Net in Visual Studio the server part will use a simple emulator that just based on time gives different I/O readings.
When running on the RaspberryPi via mono it will communicate to the PiFace via WiringPi
lib, just place it in folder as PiFaceServer
To obtain & compile the library via these steps:
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
cd wiringPi
Read more at http://wiringpi.com/