- 1. Introduction
- 2. Build
- 3. Configuration
- 4. CreateOrder
- 5. GetPaymentPlanParams
- 6. GetAddresses
- 7. DeliverOrder
- 8. Credit Invoice
- 9. CloseOrder
- 10. Response handler
This integration package is built for developers to simplify the integration of Svea WebPay services. Using this package will make your implementation sustainable and unaffected by changes in our payment system. Just make sure to update the package regularly.
The API is built as a Fluent API, ie. you can use method chaining when implementing it in your code.
To build the dll file, load up the project in Visual studio. Choose 'Release' as your solution configuration and press F6. (The solution is compatible and will compile properly with .NET Framework 4.0 and higher.)
This will build the dll and place it in bin/release sub-folder of the project.
The Configuration needed to be set differs of how many different payment methods and countries you have in the same installation. The authorization values are recieved from Svea Ekonomi when creating an account. If no configuration is created, use SveaConfig.GetDefaultConfig().
To configure Svea authorization: Create a class (eg. one for testing values, one for production) that implements the IConfigurationProvider Interface. Let the implemented methods return the authorization values asked for. Later when starting a WebpayConnection action in your integration file, put an instance of your class as parameter to the constructor.
NOTE: This solution may change in future updates!
Step 1:
using Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Config;
using Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Util.Constant;
namespace SveaWebpayIntegration
public class MyConfigTest : IConfigurationProvider
/// <summary>
/// Get the return value from your database or likewise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"> eg. HOSTED, INVOICE or PAYMENTPLAN</param>
/// <param name="country">country code</param>
/// <returns>user name string</returns>
public string GetUsername(PaymentType type, CountryCode country)
return myUserName;
/// <summary>
/// Get the return value from your database or likewise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"> eg. HOSTED, INVOICE or PAYMENTPLAN</param>
/// <param name="country">country code</param>
/// <returns>password string</returns>
public string GetPassword(PaymentType type, CountryCode country)
return myPassword;
/// <summary>
/// Get the return value from your database or likewise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"> eg. HOSTED, INVOICE or PAYMENTPLAN</param>
/// <param name="country">country code</param>
/// <returns>client number int</returns>
public int GetClientNumber(PaymentType type, CountryCode country)
return myClientNumber;
/// <summary>
/// Get the return value from your database or likewise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"> eg. HOSTED, INVOICE or PAYMENTPLAN</param>
/// <param name="country">country code</param>
/// <returns>merchant id string</returns>
public string GetMerchantId(PaymentType type, CountryCode country)
return myMerchantId;
/// <summary>
/// Get the return value from your database or likewise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"> eg. HOSTED, INVOICE or PAYMENTPLAN</param>
/// <param name="country">country code</param>
/// <returns>secret word string</returns>
public string GetSecretWord(PaymentType type, CountryCode country)
return mySecretWord;
/// <summary>
/// Constants for the end point url found in the class SveaConfig
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"> eg. HOSTED, INVOICE or PAYMENTPLAN</param>
/// <returns>end point url</returns>
public string GetEndPoint(PaymentType type)
return type == PaymentType.HOSTED ? SveaConfig.GetTestPayPageUrl() : SveaConfig.GetTestWebserviceUrl();
Step 2: Put an instance of your configuration object as a parameter to the request.
//Create a class including test authorization
MyConfigTest confTest = new MyConfigTest();
//Create a class including production authorization
MyConfigProd confProd = new MyConfigProd();
//Create your CreateOrder object with selected and continue building your order. Se next steps.
private CreateOrderEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder(confTest);
Creates an order and performs payment for all payment forms. Invoice and payment plan will perform a synchronous payment and return a response. Other hosted payments, like card, direct bank and payments from the PayPage on the other hand are asynchronous. They will return an html form with formatted message to send from your store. For every new payment type implementation, you follow the steps from the beginning and chose your payment type preffered in the end: Build order -> choose payment type -> DoRequest/GetPaymentForm
CreateOrderEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder(myConfig) //See Configuration chapt.3
//For all products and other items
//If shipping fee
//If invoice with invoice fee
//If discount or coupon with fixed amount
//If discount or coupon with percent discount
//Individual customer values
//Company customer values
//Other values
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
//Continue by choosing one of the following paths
//Continue as a card payment
//Continue as a direct bank payment
//Continue as a PayPage payment
//Continue as a PayPage payment
.UsePaymentMethod(PaymentMethod.DBSEBSE) //see APPENDIX for Constants
//Continue as an invoice payment
//Continue as a payment plan payment
.UsePaymentPlanPayment("campaigncode", false)
Continue by adding values for products and other. You can add order row, fee and discount. Chose the right Item object as parameter. You can use the add functions with an Item object or a List of Item objects as parameters. See types of Item objects in examples in 4.1.2 - 4.1.5 and 4.3.1 - 4.3.2.
.AddOrderRow(Item.OrderRow(). ...)
var orderRows = new List<OrderRowBuilder>();
orderRows.Add(Item.OrderRow(). ...)
All products and other items. It?s required to have a minimum of one order row. The price can be set in a combination by using a minimum of two out of three functions: SetAmountExVat(), SetAmountIncVat() and SetVatPercent().
.SetQuantity(2) //Required
.SetAmountExVat(100.00M) //Optional, see info above
.SetAmountIncVat(125.00M) //Optional, see info above
.SetVatPercent(25.00M) //Optional, see info above
.SetArticleNumber("1") //Optional
.SetDescription("Specification") //Optional
.SetName("Prod") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetDiscountPercent(0)) //Optional
The price can be set in a combination by using a minimum of two out of three functions: setAmountExVat(), setAmountIncVat()and setVatPercent().
.SetAmountExVat(50) //Optional, see info above
.SetAmountIncVat(62.50M) //Optional, see info above
.SetVatPercent(25.00M) //Optional, see info above
.SetShippingId("33") //Optional
.SetName("shipping") //Optional
.SetDescription("Specification") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetDiscountPercent(0)) //Optional
The price can be set in a combination by using a minimum of two out of three functions: setAmountExVat(), setAmountIncVat() and setVatPercent().
.SetAmountExVat(50) //Optional, see info above
.SetAmountIncVat(62.50M) //Optional, see info above
.SetVatPercent(25.00M) //Optional, see info above
.SetName("Svea fee") //Optional
.SetDescription("Fee for invoice") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetDiscountPercent(0)) //Optional
When discount or coupon is a fixed amount on total product amount.
.SetAmountIncVat(100.00M) //Required
.SetDiscountId("1") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetDescription("FixedDiscount") //Optional
.SetName("Fixed")) //Optional
When discount or coupon is a percentage on total product amount.
.SetDiscountPercent(50) //Required
.SetDiscountId("1") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetName("Relative") //Optional
.SetDescription("RelativeDiscount")) //Optional
Customer identity is required for invoice and payment plan orders. Required values varies depending on country and customer type. For SE, NO, DK and FI national id number is required. Email and ip address are desirable.
####4.2.1 Options for individual customers
.SetNationalIdNumber("194605092222") //Required for individual customers in SE, NO, DK and FI
.SetBirthDate("19460509") //Required for individual customers in NL and DE
.SetName("Tess", "Testson") //Required for individual customers in NL and DE
.SetInitials("SB") //Required for individual customers in NL
.SetStreetAddress("Gatan", "23") //Required in NL and DE
.SetCoAddress("c/o Eriksson") //Optional
.SetZipCode("9999") //Required in NL and DE
.SetLocality("Stan") //Required in NL and DE
.SetPhoneNumber("999999")) //Optional
.SetEmail("[email protected]") //Optional but desirable
.SetIpAddress("123.123.123") //Optional but desirable
####4.2.2 Options for company customers
.SetNationalIdNumber("2345234") //Required for company customers in SE, NO, DK, FI
.SetVatNumber("NL2345234") //Required for NL and DE
.SetCompanyName("TestCompagniet")) //Required for Eu countries like NL and DE
.SetAddressSelector("7fd7768") //Optional. Recieved from getAddresses
###4.3 Other values
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetCurrency(Currency.SEK) //Required for card payment, direct payment and PayPage payment.
.SetClientOrderNumber("33") //Required for card payment, direct payment, Unique String(65). Optional for Invoice and Payment plan String(32).
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12)) //Required for synchronous payments
.SetCustomerReference("ref33") //Optional for invoice and payment plan String(32), ignored for card & direct bank orders.
###4.4 Choose payment End process by choosing the payment method you desire.
Invoice and payment plan will perform a synchronous payment and return an object as response.
Other payments(card, direct bank and payments from the PayPage) on the other hand are asynchronous. They will return an html form with formatted message to send from your store.
The response is then returned to the return url you have specified in function SetReturnUrl(). The response may also be sent to the url specified with SetCallbackUrl() in case the customer doesn't return to the store after the transaction has concluded at the bank/card payment page.
If you pass the xml response to an instance of SveaResponse, you will receive a formatted response object as well.
Invoice and/or payment plan payments.
The preferable way is to use
. These payments are synchronous and will give you an instant response.
Card and/or direct bank payments
Go by PayPage by using
. If you only for example only have one specific bank payment, go direct to that specific bank payment by using.UsePaymentMethod(PaymentMethod)
Using all payments.
The most effective way is to use
for the synchronous payments, and use the PayPage for the asynchronous requests by using.UsePayPageCardOnly()
Using more than one payment and want them gathered on one place.
Go by PayPage and choose show all your payments here, or modify to exclude or include one or more payments. Use [
] (https://github.com/sveawebpay/dotnet-integration/tree/master#453-paypagepayment) where you can custom your own PayPage. Note that Invoice and Payment plan payments will return an asynchronous response from here.
Build order and recieve a PaymentForm object. Send the PaymentForm parameters: merchantid, xmlMessageBase64 and mac by POST with url. The PaymentForm object also contains a complete html form as string and the html form element as array.
<form name="paymentForm" id="paymentForm" method="post" action=" + url +">
<input type="hidden" name="merchantid" value=" + merchantId + " />
<input type="hidden" name="message" value=" + xmlMessageBase64 + " />
<input type="hidden" name="mac" value=" + mac + "/>
<noscript><p>Javascript is inactivated.</p></noscript>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
.SetReturnUrl() When a hosted payment transaction completes (regardless of outcome, i.e. accepted or denied), the payment service will answer with a response xml message sent to the return url specified.
.SetCallbackUrl() In case the hosted payment transaction completes, but the service is unable to return a response to the return url, the payment service will retry several times using the callback url as a fallback, if specified. This may happen if i.e. the user closes the browser before the payment service redirects back to the shop.
.SetCancelUrl() In case the hosted payment service is cancelled by the user, the payment service will redirect back to the cancel url. Unless a return url is specified, no cancel button will be presented at the payment service.
####4.4.1 PayPage with card payment options PayPage with availible card payments only.
##### Request
PaymentForm form = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.SetCallbackUrl("http://myurl.se") //Optional
.SetCancelUrl("http://myurl.se") //Optional
##### Return The values of xmlMessageBase64, merchantid and mac are to be sent as xml to SveaWebPay. Function GetPaymentForm() returns object type PaymentForm with accessible members:
Value | Returns | Description |
GetXmlMessageBase64() | string | Payment information in XML-format, Base64 encoded. |
GetXmlMessage() | string | Payment information in XML-format. |
GetMerchantId() | string | Authorization |
GetSecretWord() | string | Authorization |
GetMacSha512() | string | Message authentication code. |
GetUrl() | string | Url to preselected server, test or production. |
GetCompleteForm() | string | A complete Html form with method= "post" with submit button to include in your code. |
GetFormHtmlFields() | Dictionary<string, string> | Map with html tags as keys with of Html form fields to include. |
####4.4.2 PayPage with direct bank payment options PayPage with available direct bank payments only.
##### Request
PaymentForm form = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.SetCancelUrl("http://myurl.se") //Optional
##### Return Returns object type PaymentForm:
Value | Returns | Description |
GetXmlMessageBase64() | string | Payment information in XML-format, Base64 encoded. |
GetXmlMessage() | string | Payment information in XML-format. |
GetMerchantId() | string | Authorization |
GetSecretWord() | string | Authorization |
GetMacSha512() | string | Message authentication code. |
GetUrl() | string | Url to preselected server, test or production. |
GetCompleteForm() | string | A complete Html form with method= "post" with submit button to include in your code. |
GetFormHtmlFields() | Dictionary<string, string> | Map with html tags as keys with of Html form fields to include. |
####4.4.3 PayPagePayment PayPage with all available payments. You can also custom the PayPage by using one of the methods for PayPagePayments: SetPaymentMethod, IncludePaymentMethod, ExcludeCardPaymentMethod or ExcludeDirectPaymentMethod.
##### Request
PaymentForm form = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.SetCancelUrl("http://myurl.se") //Optional
.SetPayPageLanguageCode(LanguageCode.sv) //Optional, English is default. LanguageCode, see APPENDIX
###### Exclude specific payment methods Optional if you want to include specific payment methods for PayPage.
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.SetCancelUrl("http://myurl.se") //Optional
.ExcludePaymentMethods(new List<PaymentMethod> //Optional
###### Include specific payment methods Optional if you want to include specific payment methods for PayPage.
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.IncludePaymentMethod(new List<PaymentMethod> //Optional
###### Exclude Card payments Optional if you want to exclude all card payment methods from PayPage.
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.ExcludeCardPaymentMethod() //Optional
###### Exclude Direct payments Optional if you want to exclude all direct bank payments methods from PayPage.
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.ExcludeDirectPaymentMethod() //Optional
##### Return Returns object type PaymentForm:
Value | Returns | Description |
GetXmlMessageBase64() | string | Payment information in XML-format, Base64 encoded. |
GetXmlMessage() | string | Payment information in XML-format. |
GetMerchantId() | string | Authorization |
GetSecretWord() | string | Authorization |
GetMacSha512() | string | Message authentication code. |
GetUrl() | string | Url to preselected server, test or production. |
GetCompleteForm() | string | A complete Html form with method= "post" with submit button to include in your code. |
GetFormHtmlFields() | Dictionary<string, string> | Map with html tags as keys with of Html form fields to include. |
Go direct to specified payment method without the step PayPage.
Set your store authorization here.
PaymentForm form = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
.UsePaymentMethod(PaymentMethod.KORTCERT) //PaymentMethod see APPENDIX
.SetReturnUrl("http://myurl.se") //Required
.SetCancelUrl("http://myurl.se") //Optional
The values of xmlMessageBase64, merchantid and mac are to be sent as xml to SveaWebPay. Function GetPaymentForm() returns Object type PaymentForm with accessible members:
Value | Returns | Description |
GetXmlMessageBase64() | string | Payment information in XML-format, Base64 encoded. |
GetXmlMessage() | string | Payment information in XML-format. |
GetMerchantId() | string | Authorization |
GetSecretWord() | string | Authorization |
GetMacSha512() | string | Message authentication code. |
GetUrl() | string | Url to preselected server, test or production. |
GetCompleteForm() | string | A complete Html form with method= "post" with submit button to include in your code. |
GetFormHtmlFields() | Dictionary<string, string> | Map with html tags as keys with of Html form fields to include. |
Perform an invoice payment. This payment form will perform a synchronous payment and return a response. Returns CreateOrderEuResponse object. Set your store authorization here.
CreateOrderEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
Perform PaymentPlanPayment. This payment form will perform a synchronous payment and return a response. Returns a CreateOrderEuResponse object. Preceded by WebPay.GetPaymentPlanParams(...). Set your store authorization here. Param: Campaign code recieved from GetPaymentPlanParams().
CreateOrderEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.CreateOrder()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderDate(new DateTime(2012, 12, 12))
.UsePaymentPlanPayment(1234L, false) //Parameter1: campaign code recieved from getPaymentPlanParams
//Paremeter2: True if Automatic autogiro form will be sent with the first notification
Use this function to retrieve campaign codes for possible payment plan options. Use prior to create payment plan payment. Returns PaymentPlanParamsResponse object. Set your store authorization here.
GetPaymentPlanParamsEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.GetPaymentPlanParams()
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
Use this function to calculate the prices per month of the payment plan campaigns received from GetPaymentPlanParams. paymentPlanParams is the response object from GetPaymentPlanParams.
List<Dictionary<string, string>> pricePerMonth = WebpayConnection.PaymentPlanPricePerMonth(amount, paymentPlanParams);
Returns getAddressesResponse object with an AddressSelector for the associated addresses for a specific security number. Can be used when creating an order. Only applicable for SE, NO and DK. In Norway, only getAddresses of companies is supported. Set your store authorization here.
.SetOrderTypeInvoice() //Required if this is an invoice order
.SetOrderTypePaymentPlan() //Required if this is a payment plan order
.SetIndividual("194605092222") //Required if this is an individual customer
.SetCompany("companyId") //Required if this is a company customer
GetAddressesEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.GetAddresses(myConfig) //see more about Configuration chapt.3
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetOrderTypeInvoice() //See 6.1
.SetIndividual("194605092222") //See 6.2
.SetZipCode("9999") //Required
Use the WebpayConnection.DeliverOrder request to deliver to the customer invoices for fulfilled orders. Svea will invoice the customer upon receiving the DeliverOrder request. A DeliverOrder request may also be used to partly deliver an order on Invoice orders. Add rows that you want delivered. The rows will automatically be matched with the rows that was sent when creating the order. When Svea receives the DeliverOrder request the status on the previous created order is set to delivered. The DeliverOrder functionallity is only applicable to invoice and payment plan payment method payments.
Returns DeliverOrderEuResponse object. Set your store authorization here.
This works more or less like WebpayConnection.CreateOrder above, and makes use of the same order item information. Add the corresponding order id and the order rows that you want delivered before making the DeliverOrder request. The specified rows will automatically be matched with the previous rows that was sent when creating the order. We recommend storing the order row data to ensure that matching orderrows can be recreated in the DeliverOrder request.
If an item is left out from the DeliverOrder request that was present in the CreateOrder request, a new invoice will be created as the order is assumed to be partially fulfilled. Any left out items should not be delivered physically, as they will not be invoiced when the DeliverOrder request is sent.
var response = WebpayConnection.DeliverOrder(myConfig)
.SetOrderId(1234L) //Recieved from CreateOrder request
You can add OrderRow, Fee and Discount. Choose the right Item as parameter. You can use the .Add functions with an Item or list of Items as parameters.
.AddOrderRow(Item.OrderRow(). ...)
List<OrderRowBuilder> orderRows = new List<OrderRowBuilder>(); //or use another preferrable List object
orderRows.Add(Item.OrderRow(). ...)
All products and other items. It is required to have a minimum of one row.
.SetArticleNumber("1") //Optional
.SetName("Prod") //Optional
.SetDescription("Specification") //Optional
.SetQuantity(2) //Required
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetAmountExVat(100.00M) //Required
.SetVatPercent(25.00M) //Required
.SetDiscountPercent(0)) //Optional
.SetAmountExVat(50) //Required
.SetVatPercent(25.00M) //Required
.SetShippingId("33") //Optional
.SetName("shipping") //Optional
.SetDescription("Specification") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetAmountExVat(50) //Required
.SetVatPercent(25.00M) //Required
.SetName("Svea fee") //Optional
.SetDescription("invoice fee") //Optional
.SetUnit("st") //Optional
.SetDiscountPercent(0)) //Optional
Required is the order id received when creating the order. Required for invoice orders are InvoiceDistributionType. If invoice order is credit invoice use setCreditInvoice(invoiceId) and setNumberOfCreditDays(creditDaysAsInt)
.SetOrderId(orderId) //Required. Received when creating order.
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
.SetNumberOfCreditDays(1) //Use for invoice orders.
.SetInvoiceDistributionType(InvoiceDistributionType.Post) //Use for invoice orders. DISTRIBUTIONTYPE see APPENDIX
.SetCreditInvoice() //Use for invoice orders, if this should be a credit invoice.
When you want to credit an invoice. The order must first be delivered. When doing DeliverOrder
you will recieve an InvoiceId in the Response. To credit the invoice you follow the steps as in 7. DeliverOrder
but you add the call .SetCreditInvoice(invoiceId)
var response = WebpayConnection.DeliverOrder(myConfig)
.SetOrderId(1234L) //Recieved from CreateOrder request
//Credit invoice flag. Note that you first must deliver the order and recieve an InvoiceId, then do the deliver request again but with this call:
.SetCreditInvoice(4321L) //Use for invoice orders, if this should be a credit invoice. Params: InvoiceId recieved from when doing DeliverOrder
Use when you want to cancel an undelivered order. Valid only for invoice and payment plan orders. Required is the order id received when creating the order. Set your store authorization here.
CloseOrderEuResponse response = WebpayConnection.CloseOrder()
.SetOrderId(orderId) //Required, received when creating an order.
.SetCountryCode(CountryCode.SE) //Required
All synchronous responses are handled through SveaResponse and structured into objects. Asynchronous responses recieved after sending the values merchantid and xmlMessageBase64 to hosted solutions can also be processed through the SveaResponse class.
The response from server will be sent to the returnUrl with POST or GET. The response contains the parameters: response and merchantid. Class SveaResponse will return an object structured similar to the synchronous answer.
- The POST or GET message Base64 encoded
var respObject = new SveaResponse(responseXmlBase64);
Enumeration, used in UsePaymentMethod(PaymentMethod PaymentMethod), .UsePayPage(), .IncludePaymentMethod(Collection PaymentMethods), .IncludePaymentMethod(), .ExcludePaymentMethods(Collection PaymentMethods), .ExcludeDirectPaymentMethod() and .ExcludeCardPaymentMethod().
Payment method | Description |
PaymentMethod.BANKAXESS | Direct bank payment, Norway. |
PaymentMethod.NORDEA_SE | Direct bank payment, Nordea, Sweden. |
PaymentMethod.SEB_SE | Direct bank payment, private, SEB, Sweden. |
PaymentMethod.SEBFTG_SE | Direct bank payment, company, SEB, Sweden. |
PaymentMethod.SHB_SE | Direct bank payment, Handelsbanken, Sweden. |
PaymentMethod.SWEDBANK_SE | Direct bank payment, Swedbank, Sweden. |
PaymentMethod.KORTCERT | Card payments, Certitrade. |
PaymentMethod.PAYPAL | Paypal |
PaymentMethod.SKRILL | Card payment with Dankort, Skrill. |
PaymentMethod.INVOICE | Invoice by PayPage. |
PaymentMethod.PAYMENTPLAN | PaymentPlan by PayPage. |
Enumeration, used in .SetCountryCode(...). Using ISO 3166-1 standard.
CountryCode | Country |
CountryCode.DE | Germany |
CountryCode.DK | Denmark |
CountryCode.FI | Finland |
CountryCode.NL | Netherlands |
CountryCode.NO | Norway |
CountryCode.SE | Sweden |
Enumeration, used in .SetPayPageLanguage(...). Using ISO 639-1 standard.
LanguageCode | Language name |
LanguageCode.da | Danish |
LanguageCode.de | German |
LanguageCode.en | English |
LanguageCode.es | Spanish |
LanguageCode.fr | French |
LanguageCode.fi | Finnish |
LanguageCode.it | Italian |
LanguageCode.nl | Dutch |
LanguageCode.no | Norwegian |
LanguageCode.sv | Swedish |
Enumeration, used in .SetCurrency(...). Using ISO 4217 standard.
CurrencyCode | Currency name |
Currency.DKK | Danish krone |
Currency.EUR | Euro |
Currency.NOK | Norwegian krone |
Currency.SEK | Swedish krona |
Enumeration, used in .SetInvoiceDistributionType(...).
DistributionType | Description |
Post | Invoice is sent by mail |
Invoice is sent by e-mail |