This application will use to send the callback from Gateway to Hub.
Create new database on a MySql .Run the dbscripts/database.sql . Open the HTTPRequestRouter.war file . Locate the file at /WEB-INF/classes/.Edit the jdbc.APP.url,jdbc.APP.username,jdbc.APP.password properties as acordingly.
domain : domain or ip
Eg : or
urlPrefix : start part of the url
Eg :
header : header key
Eg : Authorization
headerValue : value of the header
Eg : Bearer dfrd3343dff
mode : this value indicate how to add the header
Eg : REPLACE - if the request contains the same header, requestrouter will replace the that header from new header (RECOMMENDED)
ADD - Add the new header
APPEND - if the request contains the same header, requestrouter append the new header value to the header
Using values in this table we can replace any json value in body. if there is no any value to replace you don't need to add records to this table
urlKey : <KEY> value in the request url
jsonPath : json path of the request body
Eg : $.inboundUSSDMessageRequest.responseRequest.notifyURL
find : value to find in request body
Eg : * - replace everything
replace : replace value
needURLDecodeRest : this will use the url decode the url in request body
Eg : 0 - nothing will url decode
1 - url in the request body will url decode
Start the tomcat and make sure no erros are at the log.
locate file at \repository\conf\ folder. Define property "requestRouterUrl" at the file if not exists. requestRouterUrl=http://:/HTTPRequestRouter/route//?org= Eg : requestRouterUrl=http://localhost:8080/HTTPRequestRouter/route/MIFE-HUB-USSD/?org=