This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, Semantic-UI-React and firebase/firestore.
Follow the steps below to build and run this web application:
- Get API key of
Maps JavaScript API
,Geocoding API
,Places API
from Google - Clone/download this project in your computer.
- Install modules with command
npm install
- Add your API key to
- Set firebase config file up in
- Run application with command
npm start
oryarn start
Using library/skill:
- JavaScript ES6+
- react
- react-router-dom
- redux
- react-redux
- redux-thunk
- cuid
- date-fns
- firebase
- google-map-react
- moment
- react-lazyLoad
- react-cropper
- react-datepicker
- react-dropzone
- react-load-script
- react-places-autocomplete
- react-redux-firebase
- react-redux-toastr
- redux-devtools-extension
- redux-firestore
- redux-form
- revalidate
- semantic-ui-react