This package provides a number of useful ways to interact with the new Twitter Rest API v2 endpoints in PHP. It provides a clean and easy to understand set of methods and classes to send tweets, manage users, lookup data, and everything else that the Twitter API v2 provides, from within your app or site.
Full documentation and examples on
To use the Twitter API v2, and consequently this package, you must have an approved developer account and have activated the new developer portal.
Learn more about getting access to the Twitter API v2 endpoints:
Twitter Api Getting Started Docs
Install via composer.
composer require coderjerk/bird-elephant
You will need to generate your credentials when creating your App in Developer Portal. Follow the Twitter developer documentation above on how to do this. Make sure to grant your app the correct permissions, and enable 3 legged OAuth if you need it.
Pass the credentials as a key value array as follows:
$credentials = array(
'bearer_token' => xxxxxx, // OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token requests
'consumer_key' => xxxxxx, // identifies your app, always needed
'consumer_secret' => xxxxxx, // app secret, always needed
'token_identifier' => xxxxxx, // OAuth 1.0a User Context requests
'token_secret' => xxxxxx, // OAuth 1.0a User Context requests
$twitter = new BirdElephant($credentials);
Twitter Developer Authentication docs
Of course, in user context auth flows, you will need to pass the authenticated user's credentials as token_identifier and token_secret. Use an established library for oAuth 1 flows. I'm using thephpleague/oauth1-client, for example. You can look at index.php and authenticate.php for an example of how a simple auth flow might work in practice.
Protect your credentials carefully and never commit them to your repository. I'd recommend using a .env file to manage your credentials, you can copy the contents of .env.example to .env in your project and populate with your own credentials if you wish: how to use it here
Documentation and examples for all available Bird Elephant methods can be found here.
The package provides a number of different ways of interacting with the Twitter API. The recommended way is by using the simple helper methods, but a utility method is available and direct access to many of the underlying classes is also possible. If you wish to interact with the underlying classes, read the documentation in the code.
use Coderjerk/BirdElephant/BirdElephant;
//your credentials, should be passed in via $_ENV or similar, don't hardcode.
$credentials = array(
'bearer_token' => xxxxxx,
'consumer_key' => xxxxxx,
'consumer_secret' => xxxxxx,
'token_identifier' => xxxxxx,
'token_secret' => xxxxxx,
//instantiate the object
$twitter = new BirdElephant($credentials);
//get a user's followers using the handy helper methods
$followers = $twitter->user('coderjerk')->followers();
//pass your query params to the methods directly
$following = $twitter->user('coderjerk')->following([
'max_results' => 20,
'user.fields' => 'profile_image_url'
// You can also use the sub classes / methods directly if you like:
$user = new UserLookup($credentials);
$user = $user->getSingleUserByID('2244994945', null);
Bird Elephant Reference Twitter API reference index
This is an unofficial tool written by me in my spare time and is not affiliated with Twitter.
These endpoints are early access so subject to change. As a consequence elements of this package are almost certain to change too, but I will attempt to avoid breaking changes, and the underlying structure has been built with that in mind. This package does not support Twitter API v1.1.
Fork/download the code and run
composer install
copy .env.example
to .env
and add your credentials for testing.
To run tests
Issues, pull requests and other contributions most welcome. Please use the issue template provided.
You can look at the project board for upcoming features if you want to pitch in :)