This is an eCommerce Web app system. The Project is build with the following technologies:
- React Typescript for front-end
- .NET Core 5.0 for back-end
- MSSQL Server
In order to build and test this WebApp on local machine, install the following:
- node
- npm or yarn istalled golbally
- React
- .NET Core 5.0
- git
- SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or any SQL Management Studio (MSSQL Server)
- Visual Studio IDE or use dotnet cli
- Visual Studio Code
First clone the repo to have the code on your local machine
git clone
Restore .NET Core backages
You can use tool of your choice. I use Visual Studio IDE to restore and build
Create a Database.
Install Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or any SQL Management Studio
Run migrations to create tables in db. Migrations located in
cd ..\BETeCommerce\BETeCommerce.DataLayer\Migrations
If using Visual Studio IDE, make sure Default Project is "BETeCommerce.DataLayer"
using .bak file to restore DB. This contain some few data
located in: ..\BETeCommerce\BETeCommerceDB.bak
Modify the appsettings.json
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"Jwt": {
"Key": "gzg5QFi0KHOhqrFVSHC1d6Ow6a4kqIlYKk8MhZ",
"Issuer": "https://localhost:44352/",
"Audience": "https://localhost:44352/"
"Email": {
"FromAddress": "[email protected]",
"Password": "Password"
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=BETeCommerceDB;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
Start back-end application. Swagger API page will open in the Browser
#### Front-End application
cd ...\BETeCommerce\ClientApp
To open with Visual Studio code if already installed
code .
Install react packages required for this app to start and run
yarn install
create .env in the root folder same as where the .gitgnore is. Put this env variable in the .env file https://localhost:44352/ is the back-end root url
Start App (Make sure the Back-End is running)
yarn start
Register User User Login Show, Add, Update, Delete Product Category Show, Add, Update, Delete Products Add and remove from Cart Checkout Send Email