Simple script to generate a playlist on a plex server that randomises the series, but plays the episodes within that series in order
usage: [-h] [--name NAME] [--number NUMBER] [--debug]
[--server] [--baseurl BASEURL] [--token TOKEN] [--account]
[--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
[--resource RESOURCE] [--tvdb-api-key TVDB_API_KEY]
[--ignore-skipped] [--randomize] [--include-watched]
[--allshows] [--allmovies] [--select-library SELECT_LIBRARY]
[--exclude-library EXCLUDE_LIBRARY] [--purge] [--adminuser]
[--homeusers HOMEUSERS]
Create playlist of unwatched episodes from random shows but in correct episode
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME Playlist Name
--number NUMBER, -n NUMBER
Number of episodes or Movies to add to play list
--debug, -d Debug Logging
Server Connection Method:
--server Server connection Method
--baseurl BASEURL, -b BASEURL
Base URL of Server (I.E "" or "")
--token TOKEN, -t TOKEN
Authentication Token
Plex Account Connection Method:
--account Account Connection Method
--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
Plex Account Username
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
Plex Account Password
--resource RESOURCE, -r RESOURCE
Resource Name (Plex Server Name)
--tvdb-api-key TVDB_API_KEY
Episode/Movie Selection Behaviour:
--ignore-skipped Don't test for missing episodes
--randomize Randomize selected episodes, not next unwatched
--include-watched include watched movies or episodes (use with --randomize)
Library Selection Behavior:
--allshows Grab All Shows in all Library sections From Plex
--allmovies Grab All Movies in all Library sections From Plex
--select-library, -l SELECT_LIBRARY Choose between library sections of both TV Shows or Movies to build a playlist from (comma seperated within quotes if multiple users)
--exclude-library, -e EXCLUDE_LIBRARY Comma seperated list (if selecting multiple users) of sections to exclude (I.E. "Test Videos,Workout,Home Videos" ) there should be no space between the comma and the first character of the next value
--purge Remove a playlist from plex for the provided user(s)
User Profile Selection:
--adminuser, -a Generate playlist for the Plex Admin user profile name that was used to login.
--homeusers HOMEUSERS Generate playlist for the provided Plex home users (comma seperated within quotes if multiple users). For all plex home users type "all"
Recommend Using a virtual env
pip install Pipfile
pip install xmltodict
Uses your PlexTV Account, username and Resource Name (Server Name)
e.g. --account --username MyUserName --password Sh1tPass --resource MyServer --allmovies
Uses The Server URL and Authentication Token
e.g. --server --baseurl "" --token "fR5GrDxfLunKynNub5" --resource MyServer --allshows
To get your Auth token, browse to an episode in the web UI. Click on the ...
video and select Get Info
. In the
popup window select View XML
in the URL there is the X-Plex-Token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Uses either the Account Method or Server Method to generate playlist of movies and/or TV Shows
Note: any of the below commands can be run by either connection method (Server/Account).
The default behavior of the script for TV Shows is that if its a show a user has began watching the script will begin with the episode you are currently on.
Generate 10 random unwatched TV Show episodes: --server --baseurl "" --token "fR5GrDxfLunKynNub5" --resource MyServer --allshows --homeusers John
Generate 10 random unwatched epsidodes for the 3 provided homeusers (Johnny,Smith,Curry), excluding shows from the library section "Animated TV Shows": --account --username MyUserName --password Sh1tPass --resource MyServer --allshows --homeusers "John,Smith,Curry" --exclude-library "Animated TV Shows"
Generate 10 random unwatched movies for the admin user: --server --baseurl "" --token "fR5GrDxfLunKynNub5" --resource MyServer --allmovies --adminuser
Generate 5 random unwatched Movies for the 3 provided homeusers (Johnny,Smith,Curry), and the admin user: --account --username MyUserName --password Sh1tPass --resource MyServer --allmovies --adminuser --homeusers "John,Smith,Curry" --number 5
Generate 3 random unwatched epsidodes for all home users on the plex server: --server --baseurl "" --token "fR5GrDxfLunKynNub5" --resource MyServer --allmovies --adminuser --homeusers all --number 3
Ignore the fact that not all episodes are available for a show in your library (set by default to reduce processing time) --account --username MyUserName --password Sh1tPass --resource MyServer --allshows --adminuser --homeusers "all" --ignore-skipped
Generate a mix 8 random shows and movies: --server --baseurl "" --token "fR5GrDxfLunKynNub5" --resource MyServer --allmovies --allshows --homeusers John --allmovies --number 8
Generate a playlist from the library section "TV Shows" with the name "Test1" for all home users: --account --username MyUserName --password Sh1tPass --resource MyServer --select-library "TV Shows" --adminuser --homeusers "all" --name "Test1"
Delete a playlist with the name "Test1" for all home users: --account --username MyUserName --password Sh1tPass --resource MyServer --adminuser --homeusers "all" --name "Test1" --purge