A grid-based window size and location controller implemented as a KWin script.
This project is directly inspired by WindowGrid.
Some scaffolding and API usage and inspiration was influenced by GridWM and Kröhnkite.
(will be removed soon)
git clone https://github.com/WhoCo/KDEGrid.git
cd KDEGrid
plasmapkg2 -i ./dist/kdegrid-<VERSION>-<HASH>.kwinscript
Go to the System Settings
, select Window Management
, then KWin Scripts
. In the list of scripts, check the box next to KDEGrid
. Click `Apply'.
The default key binding/shortcut is Meta+Ctrl+X
Select the window you would like to move/resize. Invoke the shortcut/key binding. The paint grid will appear on the screen associated with the selected window. Hold down the left mouse button and drag a box to define the desired window placement and size. If you would like to select a different starting point during the paint operation, continue to hold the left mouse button and click the right mouse button. This will select a new starting location. When the desired paint box has been painted, release the left mouse button and the active window will be resized and relocated to fit the painted box.
- Find a way to respond to mouse clicks during window move to behave like WindowGrid.
- Find a way to respond to keyboard input during grid paint. Specifically, respond to escape key press to cancel paint.
- Finish configuration UI.
- Logging may be a bit noisy.