This release was deployed on February 16, 2016 at 11:00AM EDT.
New Features:
- Add Hydrologic Soil Groups overlay
- Add tables to modeling output:
- Runoff table shows water depth and volume for runoff, evapotranspiration, and infiltration by scenario
- Water quality table now includes average concentration
- Added Watershed Delineation feature but disabled its use on production
Bug Fixes:
- Load observation layers independently of the layer control
- Prevent division by 0 for small AoIs
- Upgrade to modified TR-55 model that allows runoff to be 0 when a BMP is applied
- Updates to modified TR-55 model to better handle analysis of sub-pixel BMPs as drawn
- Use gSSURGO color scheme on soil type bar chart
- UI reorientation to results/model panel on right, with map controls shifted to the left