This release was deployed at 11:25 AM on November 2, 2016.
Performance improvements
- Mapshed sub-jobs are spread across multiple workers
- Geoprocessing calls reduced for Site Storm Model by reusing Analyze census
- Job submission time at
is significantly reduced
New Features
- Water Quality Analysis results with catchment hover/popop
- 3 Stream Concentration Water Quality overlays
- 3 Catchment Water Quality overlays
- Brief descriptions for each analysis tab
- Add paginated tables
Bug fixes and other changes
- Micro Site available on subdomain and app redirects to it at
- Update Micro Site link in app
- Failed celery jobs will persist input data in Jobs table to aid in debugging
- Bug fix to RWD shapes failing to draw, even though they were valid
- Point source observation vector loading is deferred from page load to Layer Selector open
- Facility Name is added to
point source
analyze popup - Styled alert modals replace
- Prevent self intersecting AoI polygons from being drawn
- Prevent MapShed jobs from running when LC analyze results indicate there isn't appropriate LC coverage for success.
- Improved touch support for Overlay and Dropdowns for devices that use Touch + Mouse events, as well as certain orientations for tablets.
- Show point source and water quality data to three digits