This major release was deployed at 2:50 PM EST on December 26, 2024.
New Features:
- Global Land Cover Analysis and Visualization, using SENTINEL-2 derived data, processed by Impact Observatory, hosted on AWS Open Registry WikiWatershed/mmw-geoprocessing#112 #3628 #3636 #3634 #3638 #3648 #3649 #3650 #3651 #3660 #3665 #3621 WikiWatershed/mmw-tiler#9 WikiWatershed/mmw-tiler#10 WikiWatershed/mmw-tiler#11 WikiWatershed/mmw-tiler#13 #3622
- Global Stream Reach Analysis and Visualization, using data by TDX Hydro #3623 WikiWatershed/global-hydrography#1 WikiWatershed/global-hydrography#2 #3625 #3626 #3627 #3642 #3645 #3646
- Global Rapid Watershed Delineation #3647 #3658 #3659
Infrastructure Upgrades:
- Updates to AWS account organization #3612
- Updates to Geoprocessing Service WikiWatershed/mmw-geoprocessing#108 WikiWatershed/mmw-geoprocessing#105 WikiWatershed/mmw-geoprocessing#106 #3614
- Updates to GWLF-E module WikiWatershed/gwlf-e#92 WikiWatershed/gwlf-e#94 WikiWatershed/gwlf-e#100
- Updates to RWD WikiWatershed/docker-taudem#1 WikiWatershed/docker-taudem#2 WikiWatershed/rapid-watershed-delineation#83 WikiWatershed/rapid-watershed-delineation#84
- Updates to Ubuntu, Python #3629
A full overview of this work can be found in #3611