Releases: Wong-Innovations/TC4Research
Releases · Wong-Innovations/TC4Research
This release contains the following changes:
- Fixes for several errors which caused Aspects desyncing between server and client.
- Fixes for errors caused by curio localization being ran Server side.
- Updated aspect packets so they can transport upto MAX_INT quantities of aspects (to line up with thaumcraft 6's max
- Updated research icons for Research Expertise, Research Mastery, and Research Duplication. Research Mastery now gives a small amount of warp as it did in TC4. (Thanks to @IcarussOne on GitHub for this pr).
CURIOS and Eldritch update.
- Added curios which give aspects corresponding with their research category.
- Knowledge fragments have been converted to "Basic Curiosity".
- Several bug fixes and fixes to progression as things like cultists weren't scannable to unlock eldritch progression.
- Thaumcraft Crimson Rites functionality replaced me the TC4 Research Port curio version.
- Existing knowledge fragments may not convert when updating.
- Only "Basic Curiosity" and "Crimson Rites" curios are in the loot tables by default. While I listen to feedback from play-testers and develop a strategy to add the rest to the game, you can add them to any loot tables you want using GroovyScript or LootTweaker.
Patch notes:
- Added inventory scanning! (on by default, can be disabled by config).
- General bug fixes on server.
- Fixed Research Duplication in the research table not working.
DISCLAIMER: This release may have breaking changes, for people playing on 1.0.1 or 1.0.0 previously scanned items / entities / blocks may not be saved after updating to this version.
Change Log:
- fixed several bugs
- made scanning work solely off TC6's default scanning mechanisms (which means better addon integration)
- created config option for instant thaumometer scans (rather than having to stare at a block)
This release includes:
- Several rendering error fixes.
- tweaks to the research hexagon's generation function
- Chinese localization