This repo builds two different images, plus a -dev
image for each containing composer
bash, git, ssh, and make, and a -root
image for all *(-dev)
images where the default user is root. All the images
are based on Alpine Linux
. All images come with extensions used to increase the
performance of ReactPHP
(such as event loop extensions). Such extensions are highlighted
build in the extensions list below.
The docker registry prefix is wyrihaximusnet/php
, thus wyrihaximusnet/php:OUR-TAGS
In order to provide upgrade path we intend to keep one or more versions of PHP.
Currently Available tags on Docker hub
The tag naming strategy consists of (Read as a regex):
- PHP:
(phpMajor).(phpMinor)-(nts|zts)-(alpine|future supported OSes)(alpineMajor).(alpineMinor)(-dev)(-root)?
- Example:
- Example:
NTS, or non-thread safe is the PHP version most people use. This image comes with the following extensions:
Extension | Description |
ext-pcntl | PCNTL OS signals |
ext-uv | LibUV event loop |
NTS, or zend thread safe is the PHP version that is safe to be used and required my threading extensions such as pthreads or parallel. This image comes with the following extensions:
Extension | Description |
ext-parallel | A succinct parallel concurrency API for PHP7 using threads |
ext-pcntl | PCNTL OS signals |
ext-uv | LibUV event loop |
Both versions come with the following list of non-non-blocking related (core-) extensions:
- bcmath
- Core
- ctype
- curl
- date
- dom
- fileinfo
- filter
- ftp
- gd
- gmp
- hash
- iconv
- intl
- json
- libxml
- mbstring
- mysqlnd
- openssl
- pcre
- pdo_pgsql
- pdo_sqlite
- pgsql
- Phar
- posix
- readline
- Reflection
- session
- SimpleXML
- sodium
- sqlite3
- standard
- tokenizer
- vips
- xml
- xmlreader
- xmlwriter
- zip
- zlib
This project is based on Usabilla's PHP Docker Template. Lots of the documentation on that repository also applies here, with the big difference that this project only supplies CLI images.