All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
create_asset | POST /Assets | adds a fixed asset |
create_asset_type | POST /AssetTypes | adds a fixed asset type |
get_asset_by_id | GET /Assets/{id} | Retrieves fixed asset by id |
get_asset_settings | GET /Settings | searches fixed asset settings |
get_asset_types | GET /AssetTypes | searches fixed asset types |
get_assets | GET /Assets | searches fixed asset |
Asset create_asset(xero_tenant_id, asset)
adds a fixed asset
Adds an asset to the system
# load the gem
require 'xero-ruby'
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = creds)
token_set = fetch_valid_token_set(user) # example
# You need to namespace your api method call to one of the following api sets
# [:accounting_api, :assets_api, :projects_api, :files_api, :payroll_au_api, :payroll_nz_api, :payroll_uk_api]
api_instance = xero_client.<api_set>
xero_tenant_id = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID' # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
asset = { "assetName":"Computer74863", "assetNumber":"123477544", "purchaseDate":"2020-01-01", "purchasePrice":100.0, "disposalPrice":23.23, "assetStatus":"Draft", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciationMethod":"StraightLine", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.5, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" }, "bookDepreciationDetail":{ "currentCapitalGain":5.32, "currentGainLoss":3.88, "depreciationStartDate":"2020-01-02", "costLimit":100.0, "currentAccumDepreciationAmount":2.25 }, "AccountingBookValue":99.5 } # Asset | Fixed asset you are creating
#adds a fixed asset
result = api_instance.create_asset(xero_tenant_id, asset)
p result
rescue XeroRuby::Assets::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AssetApi->create_asset: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xero_tenant_id | String | Xero identifier for Tenant | |
asset | Asset | Fixed asset you are creating |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
AssetType create_asset_type(xero_tenant_id, opts)
adds a fixed asset type
Adds an fixed asset type to the system
# load the gem
require 'xero-ruby'
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = creds)
token_set = fetch_valid_token_set(user) # example
# You need to namespace your api method call to one of the following api sets
# [:accounting_api, :assets_api, :projects_api, :files_api, :payroll_au_api, :payroll_nz_api, :payroll_uk_api]
api_instance = xero_client.<api_set>
xero_tenant_id = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID' # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
opts = {
asset_type: { "assetTypeName":"Machinery11004", "fixedAssetAccountId":"3d8d063a-c148-4bb8-8b3c-a5e2ad3b1e82", "depreciationExpenseAccountId":"d1602f69-f900-4616-8d34-90af393fa368", "accumulatedDepreciationAccountId":"9195cadd-8645-41e6-9f67-7bcd421defe8", "bookDepreciationSetting":{ "depreciationMethod":"DiminishingValue100", "averagingMethod":"ActualDays", "depreciationRate":0.05, "depreciationCalculationMethod":"None" } } # AssetType | Asset type to add
#adds a fixed asset type
result = api_instance.create_asset_type(xero_tenant_id, opts)
p result
rescue XeroRuby::Assets::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AssetApi->create_asset_type: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xero_tenant_id | String | Xero identifier for Tenant | |
asset_type | AssetType | Asset type to add | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Asset get_asset_by_id(xero_tenant_id, id)
Retrieves fixed asset by id
By passing in the appropriate asset id, you can search for a specific fixed asset in the system
# load the gem
require 'xero-ruby'
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = creds)
token_set = fetch_valid_token_set(user) # example
# You need to namespace your api method call to one of the following api sets
# [:accounting_api, :assets_api, :projects_api, :files_api, :payroll_au_api, :payroll_nz_api, :payroll_uk_api]
api_instance = xero_client.<api_set>
xero_tenant_id = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID' # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
id = '4f7bcdcb-5ec1-4258-9558-19f662fccdfe' # String | fixed asset id for single object
#Retrieves fixed asset by id
result = api_instance.get_asset_by_id(xero_tenant_id, id)
p result
rescue XeroRuby::Assets::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AssetApi->get_asset_by_id: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xero_tenant_id | String | Xero identifier for Tenant | |
id | String | fixed asset id for single object |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Setting get_asset_settings(xero_tenant_id)
searches fixed asset settings
By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available fixed asset types in the system
# load the gem
require 'xero-ruby'
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = creds)
token_set = fetch_valid_token_set(user) # example
# You need to namespace your api method call to one of the following api sets
# [:accounting_api, :assets_api, :projects_api, :files_api, :payroll_au_api, :payroll_nz_api, :payroll_uk_api]
api_instance = xero_client.<api_set>
xero_tenant_id = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID' # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
#searches fixed asset settings
result = api_instance.get_asset_settings(xero_tenant_id)
p result
rescue XeroRuby::Assets::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AssetApi->get_asset_settings: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xero_tenant_id | String | Xero identifier for Tenant |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Array<AssetType> get_asset_types(xero_tenant_id)
searches fixed asset types
By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available fixed asset types in the system
# load the gem
require 'xero-ruby'
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = creds)
token_set = fetch_valid_token_set(user) # example
# You need to namespace your api method call to one of the following api sets
# [:accounting_api, :assets_api, :projects_api, :files_api, :payroll_au_api, :payroll_nz_api, :payroll_uk_api]
api_instance = xero_client.<api_set>
xero_tenant_id = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID' # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
#searches fixed asset types
result = api_instance.get_asset_types(xero_tenant_id)
p result
rescue XeroRuby::Assets::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AssetApi->get_asset_types: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xero_tenant_id | String | Xero identifier for Tenant |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Assets get_assets(xero_tenant_id, status, opts)
searches fixed asset
By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available fixed asset in the system
# load the gem
require 'xero-ruby'
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = creds)
token_set = fetch_valid_token_set(user) # example
# You need to namespace your api method call to one of the following api sets
# [:accounting_api, :assets_api, :projects_api, :files_api, :payroll_au_api, :payroll_nz_api, :payroll_uk_api]
api_instance = xero_client.<api_set>
xero_tenant_id = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID' # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
status = # AssetStatusQueryParam | Required when retrieving a collection of assets. See Asset Status Codes
opts = {
page: 1, # Integer | Results are paged. This specifies which page of the results to return. The default page is 1.
page_size: 5, # Integer | The number of records returned per page. By default the number of records returned is 10.
order_by: 'AssetName', # String | Requests can be ordered by AssetType, AssetName, AssetNumber, PurchaseDate and PurchasePrice. If the asset status is DISPOSED it also allows DisposalDate and DisposalPrice.
sort_direction: 'ASC', # String | ASC or DESC
filter_by: 'Company Car' # String | A string that can be used to filter the list to only return assets containing the text. Checks it against the AssetName, AssetNumber, Description and AssetTypeName fields.
#searches fixed asset
result = api_instance.get_assets(xero_tenant_id, status, opts)
p result
rescue XeroRuby::Assets::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AssetApi->get_assets: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xero_tenant_id | String | Xero identifier for Tenant | |
status | AssetStatusQueryParam | Required when retrieving a collection of assets. See Asset Status Codes | |
page | Integer | Results are paged. This specifies which page of the results to return. The default page is 1. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | The number of records returned per page. By default the number of records returned is 10. | [optional] |
order_by | String | Requests can be ordered by AssetType, AssetName, AssetNumber, PurchaseDate and PurchasePrice. If the asset status is DISPOSED it also allows DisposalDate and DisposalPrice. | [optional] |
sort_direction | String | ASC or DESC | [optional] |
filter_by | String | A string that can be used to filter the list to only return assets containing the text. Checks it against the AssetName, AssetNumber, Description and AssetTypeName fields. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json