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console cmd set guide
- WLAN Mode Control | WLAN Station Control | WLAN HostAP Control
- Ping | iPerf | SNTP | nopoll
- SmartLink | SmartConfig | Airkiss
- Memory Access | ADC | CedarX
- OTA | PM
- net mode <mode>
Description: switch wlan to specified work mode, like station mode, HostAP mode or monitor mode. Example:
- net mode sta
- net mode ap
- net mode monitor
net sta config <ssid> [psk]
Description: configure the ssid and psk of the specified Access Point(AP) that you want to connect to. If the AP works in open mode, the psk is not needed. Example:
- net sta config abcd
- net sta config abcd 12345678
Note: we have to execute 'net sta enable' command after configuring the ssid and psk. When we want to connect to the test AP(ssid:abcd psk:12345678), we need to execute the following commands in turn
注意:在配置完station的ssid和psk之后需要调用net sta enable命令才能启动连接,以下是示例- net sta config abcd 12345678
- net sta enable
net sta set <field> <value>
Description: set detailed configuration parameters used when the station device works with the specified Access Point.
- net sta set ssid ssid_example
- net sta set psk psk_example
- net sta set wep_key0 wep_key_example
- net sta set wep_key1 wep_key_example
- net sta set wep_key2 wep_key_example
- net sta set wep_key3 wep_key_example
- net sta set wep_key_index <0, 1, 2, 3>
- net sta set key_mgmt {WPA-PSK, NONE}
- net sta set pairwise {CCMP, TKIP, WEP40, WEP104, NONE}
- net sta set group {CCMP, TKIP, WEP40, WEP104, NONE}
- net sta set proto {WPA, RSN}
- net sta set auth_alg {OPEN, SHARED}
- net sta set ptk_rekey <seconds>
- net sta set scan_ssid (0, 1)
net sta get <field>
Description: get detailed configuration parameters used when the station device works with the specified Access Point.
- net sta get ssid
- net sta get psk
- net sta get wep_key0
- net sta get wep_key1
- net sta get wep_key2
- net sta get wep_key3
- net sta get wep_key_index
- net sta get key_mgmt
- net sta get pairwise
- net sta get group
- net sta get proto
- net sta get auth_alg
- net sta get ptk_rekey
- net sta get scan_ssid
net sta enable/disable
Description: after setting the operating parameters, the workstation devices must be enabled before these parameters can take effect.
net sta scan once
Description: start a scan operation then the device will scan and generate the list of nearby Access Points.
net sta scan result <num>
Description: get the scan result after starting the scan operation, the <num> is used to set the number of the APs you want to get.
net sta scan interval <sec>
Description: set the scan interval time.
net sta connect
Description: request a new connection.
net sta disconnect
Description: dissconnect the current connection.
net sta state
Description: check the state of the current connection.
net sta ap
Description: check the ap state of the current connection.
net ap config <ssid> [psk]
Description: configure the ssid and psk of the specified Access Point(AP) that you want to set. If the AP works in open mode, the psk is not needed. Example:
- net ap config abcd
- net ap config abcd 12345678
Note: we have to execute 'net ap enable' command after configuring the ssid and psk. When we want to start an AP(ssid:abcd psk:12345678), we need to execute the following commands in turn
注意:在配置完AP模式的ssid和psk之后需要调用net ap enable命令才能启动连接,以下是示例- net ap config abcd 12345678
- net ap enable
net ap set <field> <value>
Description: set detailed configuration parameters used when the AP works.
- net ap set ssid ssid_example
- net ap set psk psk_example
- net ap set key_mgmt {WPA-PSK, NONE}
- net ap set wpa {CCMP, TKIP, NONE}
- net ap set rsn {CCMP, TKIP, NONE}
- net ap set proto <NONE, {WPA, RSN}>
- net ap set auth_alg {OPEN}
- net ap set group_rekey <seconds>
- net ap set strict_rekey <0, 1>
- net ap set gmk_rekey <seconds>
- net ap set ptk_rekey <seconds>
- net ap set hw_mode <b, g>
- net ap set 80211n <0, 1>
- net ap set channel <1 ~ 13>
- net ap set beacon_int <15 ~ 65535>
- net ap set dtim <1 ~ 255>
- net ap set max_num_sta <num>
net ap get <field>
Description: get detailed configuration parameters used when the AP works.
- net ap get ssid
- net ap get psk
- net ap get key_mgmt
- net ap get wpa
- net ap get rsn
- net ap get proto
- net ap get auth_alg
- net ap get group_rekey
- net ap get strict_rekey
- net ap get gmk_rekey
- net ap get ptk_rekey
- net ap get hw_mode
- net ap get 80211n
- net ap get channel
- net ap get beacon_int
- net ap get dtim
- net ap get max_num_sta
net ap enable/disable/reload
Description: after setting the operating parameters, the work AP must be enabled before these parameters can take effect. If the AP already works, you can execute 'reload' command to make the new parameters take effect.
net ap sta num
Description: check the number of the stations that connect to this AP.
net ap sta info <num>
Description: show the information of the stations that connect to this AP. 'num' is the number of the stations that you want to show.
- net ping target_name <count>
Description: execute a ping operation to the target device. <count> is the timeout count.
Example: net ping 10
- net iperf [-s|-c host] [options]
Description: iperf is a tool for performing network throughput measurements. It can test either TCP or UDP throughput. To perform an iperf test the user must establish both a server (to discard traffic) and a client (to generate traffic).
-f, --format [kmKM] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, KBytes, MBytes
-i, --interval # seconds between periodic bandwidth reports
-p, --port # server port to listen on/connect to
-u, --udp use UDP rather than TCP msgsServer specific:
-s, --server run in server mode
Client specific:
-c, --client <host> run in client mode, connecting to <host>
-t, --time # time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs)Example:
net iperf -s -p 5002 -i 1 -f K
net iperf -c 192.168.xxx.xxx -p 5003 -i 1 -f K -t 30
- net sntp
Description: sntp is a tool for getting the network time with the simple network time protocol.
#net sntp
<ACK> 200 OK
<net> <sntp> <request>
<net> <sntp> <response : success>
sntp(0 4 8 14:7:52 18) // the current time is 14:7:52 in April 8
- net nopoll srv|cli [options]
Description: nopoll is an opensource WebSocket implementation.
Usage: net nopoll srv|cli [options]Server specific:
- net nopoll srv init d=<debug>
- net nopoll srv deinit
- debug: 0 - disable debug, 1 - enable debug
- net nopoll srv open h=<host> p=<port> t=<tls> v=<verify>
- net nopoll srv close
- host: the server IP address
- port: the server port number
- tls: 0-disalbe tls/ssl, 1-enable tls/ssl
- verify: 0-ignore the client cert, 1-verify the client cert
net nopoll srv open h= p=1234 t=0 v=0
net nopoll srv open h= p=1234 t=1 v=0
net nopoll srv open h= p=1234 t=1 v=1
- net nopoll srv start
- net nopoll srv stop
Client specific:
- net nopoll cli init d=<debug>
- net nopoll cli deinit
- net nopoll cli open h=<host> p=<port> t=<tls> v=<verify> c=<certificate>
- host: the server IP address
- port: the server port number
- tls: 0-disalbe tls/ssl, 1-enable tls/ssl
- verify: 0-ignore the client cert, 1-verify the client cert
- certificate: 0-no certificate, 1-with certificate
- net nopoll cli close
- net nopoll cli start
- net nopoll cli stop
- net nopoll cli send s=
- size: the size of the message you want to send. you must send the message within in 10 seconds.
#net nopoll cli send s=30
- size: the size of the message you want to send. you must send the message within in 10 seconds.
- net smartlink start
Description: start SmartConfig and Airkiss simultaneously.
- net smartlink stop
Description: stop the running task.
- net smartlink set_airkiss_key <key>
- net smartlink set_smartconfig_key <key>
Description: set the key used for smartconfig or airkiss.
Note: if we want to set key, we have to execute set key command before "net smartlink start" command, and the key must be 16 characters. Example:- net smartlink set_airkiss_key 1234567812345678
- net smartlink start
- net smartconfig start
Description: start a SmartConfig task.
- net smartconfig stop
Description: stop the running smartconfig task.
- net smartconfig set_key <key>
Description: set the key used for smartconfig.
Note: if we want to set key, we have to execute set key command before "net smartconfig start" command, and the key must be 16 characters. Example:- net smartconfig set_key 1234567812345678
- net smartconfig start
- net airkiss start
Description: start a airkiss task.
- net airkiss stop
Description: stop the running airkiss task.
- net airkiss set_key <key>
Description: set the key used for airkiss.
Note: if we want to set key, we have to execute set key command before "net airkiss start" command, and the key must be 16 characters. Example:- net airkiss set_key 1234567812345678
- net airkiss start
- mem r8 <addr> <len>
- mem r16 <addr> <len>
- mem r32 <addr> <len>
- mem w8 <addr> <data>
- mem w16 <addr> <data>
- mem w32 <addr> <data>
Description: Read or write memory with 8/16/32 bit width.
$mem r32 0x4000B008 64
address 0 4 8 C
4000b008: 00000000 00000000 00010003 00000000
4000b018: 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000
4000b028: 00003030 00000000 00000000 00000000
4000b038: 00000000 00000000 00000000 6f0f6f0f
$ mem w32 0x4000B008 0x55aa
write 0x000055aa -> 0x4000B008
- drv adc init f=<first-delay>
- drv adc deinit
Description: init/deinit the ADC controller.
- first-delay: the number of useless data to be discarded.
- drv adc conv-polling c=<channel> v=<voltage> d=<deviation>
- drv adc config c=<channel> e=<enable> i=<irq-mode> l=<low-value> h=<high-value> v=<voltage> d=<deviation>
Description: configure the ADC controller.
- channel: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7}
- voltage: {0-2500}
- deviation: {0-2500}
- channel: {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7}
- enable: {0|1}
- irq-mode: {0|1}
- low-value: {0 ~ 2^12-1}
- high-value: {0 ~ 2^12-1}
- drv adc conv-it-start
- drv adc conv-it-stop
Description: start/stop the convertion.
- (for poll mode)
$ drv adc init f=0
$ drv adc conv-polling c=6 v=1200 d=100
$ drv adc deinit- (for it mode)
$ drv adc init f=0
$ drv adc config c=6 e=1 i=1 l=0 h=0 v=1200 d=100
$ drv adc conv-it-start
$ drv adc conv-it-stop
$ drv adc deinit
- 创建播放器
命令: cedarx create
- 销毁播放器
命令: cedarx destroy
- 播放
命令: cedarx play
- 停止
命令: cedarx stop
描述: 停止后,需要设置播放地址才可使用播放命令重新播放。 - 暂停
命令: cedarx pause
描述: 暂停后,使用播放命令即可继续播放。 - 设置播放地址
命令: cedarx seturl <url>
描述: 根据sdk中Platform_init的设置,可以支持本地音频和网络音频。网络播放需要先完成网络连接
cedarx seturl file://music/01.mp3
cedarx seturl - 获得当前播放位置
命令: cedarx getpos
描述: 以时间戳的形式,获得当前播放音频的位置,时间戳单位为ms. - 设置播放位置
命令: cedarx seek <timestamp>
描述: 以时间戳的形式,设置当前播放音频的位置,时间戳单位为ms.
举例: 设置从6秒处开始播放
cedarx seek 6000 - 设置播放音量
命令:cedarx setvol <volume>
描述: volume的取值为0~31, 当前仅对默认的Speak模式有效.
cedarx setvol 19 - 开始录音
命令: cedarx rec <url>
描述: 创建录音器,开始录音,把声音数据保存到指定位置.
cedarx rec file://record/wechat.amr - 停止录音
命令: cedarx end
描述: 停止录音,并销毁录音器 - 输出CedarX版本信息
命令: cedarx version
- 播放音频文件
cedarx create #创建播放器
cedarx seturl file://01.mp3 #设置音频文件地址,如果是网络地址,需要先完成网络连接操作
cedarx play #开始播放,正常情况下有声音输出 - 更换歌曲播放
cedarx stop #停止当前歌曲播放
cedarx seturl file://02.mp3 #设置新的音频文件地址
cedarx play #开始播放,正常情况下有声音输出
#注意:在当前歌曲完成播放的情况下,要重新播放同一个或另一个音频文件,同样需要进行上述操作。 - 暂停和播放
cedarx pause #暂停播放,声音停止
cedarx play #在暂停的位置继续播放,再次有声音输出 - 获取播放位置和设置播放位置
cedarx getpos #打印输出播放音频文件的当前播放时间位置,例如:<ACK> 200 played time: 7143 ms
cedarx seek 6000 #在6000ms的位置播放 - 设置播放时的音量
cedarx setvol 18 #立刻有音量大小的变化,当前仅对默认的Speak模式有效 - 销毁播放器
cedarx destory - 录音
cedarx rec file://record.amr #输入此命令后,即可进行录音。
cedarx end #完成录音,在rec指定的地址存有录音文件,可使用播放器重放
- ota file <url>
- ota http <url>
Description: start the ota. Example:
ota file file://xr-system.img ota http
pm config l= <Test_Level> d= <Delay_ms> u= <Buffer_len>
Description: set the level of pm operation termination.
- Test_Level: define in enum suspend_test_level_t
- Test_Level: define in enum suspend_test_level_t
pm wk_timer <Seconds>
Description: set the wakeup timer.
pm wk_timer 10 -
pm wk_io p= <Port_Num> m= <Mode> p= <Pull>
Description: set the wakeup IO.
- Port_Num: IO number, 0-9
- Mode: wakeup mode,
- 0: negative edge
- 1: positive edge
- 2: disable this port as wakeup io. Example:
pm wk_io p=2 m=0 p=1
pm wk_event
Description: get the wakeup event.
pm sleep|standby|hibernation|poweroff|shutdown
Description: set the power mode and execute it immediately.
pm sleep
pm hibernation
pm shutdown
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