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allow protocol config, allow subdomain for hosts
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adon committed Oct 6, 2015
1 parent 241505b commit b542b7e
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 29 deletions.
93 changes: 64 additions & 29 deletions src/xss-filters.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -252,54 +252,89 @@ exports._getPrivFilters = function () {
return null;

* Format Exception Object for yuwl
* @param {string} value - the element that violates the format
function yuwlException(value) {
this.value = value;
this.message = 'does not conform to the expected format';
this.toString = function() {
return this.value + this.message;
* Create URL whitelist filter
* Ref:
* @param {boolean} allowAllSafeURIs - to enable inherited protocol (//), blob:, http://, https://, ftp://, "data:image/[gif,jpeg,png];base64," are allowed
* @param {boolean} allowInheritProto - to enable inherited protocol (//), or otherwise, only http:// and https:// are allowed
* @param {boolean} allowRelPath - to allow relative path
* @param {boolean} allowHosts - an optional array of hostnames that each matches /^[\w\.-]+$/. If any one is found unmatched, return null
* @param {boolean} reqHtmlDecode - to run html decoding first before applying the tests
* @param {object} options allow configurations as follows
* {array} protocols - an optional array of protocols, if not provided, only http:// and https:// are allowed
* {boolean} inheritProto - to also enable inherited protocol (//)
* {array} hosts - an optional array of hostnames that each matches /^[\w\.-]+$/. If any one is found unmatched, return null
* {boolean} subdomain - to enable subdomain matching of the allowHosts
* {boolean} relPath - to allow relative path
* {boolean} htmlDecode - to run html decoding first before applying the tests
* @returns {function|null} the yuwl filter that tests value according to the config
function yuwlFactory (allowAllSafeURIs, allowInheritProto, allowRelPath, allowHosts, reqHtmlDecode) {
var i, n, reHost, reHosts,
reProto = allowAllSafeURIs ?
/^[\x00-\x20]*(?:(?:(blob:)?https?|ftp):\/\/|data:image\/(?:gif|jpe?g|png);base64,|\/\/)/i :
allowInheritProto ?
/^[\x00-\x20]*(?:https?:\/\/|\/\/)/i :
reRelPath = allowRelPath && /^[\x00-\x20]*(?![a-z][a-z0-9+-.]*:|[\/\\]{2})/i;

// create reHosts from the hostList array, that is case insensitive
// reHosts is defined as must start with either of the allowed hosts, and
// followed by either nothing (i.e., end of string), or / ? # \
// return null if there exists an host not fullfilling the regexp /^[\w\.-]+$/
if (allowHosts) {
reHost = /^[\w\.-]+$/;
for (i = 0, n = allowHosts.length; i < n; i++) {
if (!reHost.test(allowHosts[i])) {
return null;
function yuwlFactory (options) {
/*jshint -W030 */
options || (options = {});

var i, n, arr, reElement, reProtos, reHosts,
reRelPath = options.relPath && /^[\x00-\x20]*(?![a-z][a-z0-9+-.]*:|[\/\\]{2})/i;

// create reProtos from the hosts array, that is case insensitive
// throw yuwlException if any of its element does not conform to the regexp /^[a-z0-9-]+$/i
if ((arr = options.protocols) && (n = arr.length)) {
reElement = /^[a-z0-9-]+$/i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!reElement.test(arr[i])) {
throw new yuwlException(arr[i]);
reHosts = new RegExp('^(?:' +
allowHosts.join('|').replace(/\./g, '\\.') +

reProtos = new RegExp(
'^[\\x00-\\x20]*(?:' +
arr.join(':|') +
(options.inheritProto ? ':|\\/\\/)' : ':)'), 'i');

} else {
// reProtos = options.allowAllSafeURIs ?
// /^[\x00-\x20]*(?:(?:(blob:)?https?|ftp):\/\/|data:image\/(?:gif|jpe?g|png);base64,|\/\/)/i :
reProtos = options.inheritProto ?
/^[\x00-\x20]*(?:https?:\/\/|\/\/)/i :

// create reHosts from the hosts array, that is case insensitive
// throw yuwlException if any of its element does not conform to the regexp /^[\w\.-]+$/
if ((arr = options.hosts) && (n = arr.length)) {
reElement = /^[\w\.-]+$/;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!reElement.test(arr[i])) {
throw new yuwlException(arr[i]);

reHosts = new RegExp(
(options.subdomain ? '^(?:[\\w-]+\\.)*(?:' : '^(?:') +
arr.join('|').replace(/\./g, '\\.') +
')(?:$|[\\/?#\\\\])', 'i');


return function(url) {
if (reqHtmlDecode) {
if (options.htmlDecode) {
url = htmlDecode(url);
// either its a relativeURL, or
// its protocol is allowed, and no host restrictions, or
// its protocol and host is both allowed
if ((allowRelPath && reRelPath.test(url)) ||
((result = reProto.exec(url)) !== null &&
if ((options.relPath && reRelPath.test(url)) ||
((result = reProtos.exec(url)) !== null &&
(!reHosts || (reHosts && reHosts.test(url.slice(result[0].length)))))) {
return url;
return 'x-' + url;
return 'unsafe:' + url;

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