DISCLAIMER TO ALL BRAINDEAD PASTER RETARDS COMING FROM UC/YOUGAME: if u seriously cant fix my antipaste then please dont cry about it on whatever forum u came from, learn how to google shit first.
gamerware v2.5 latest source release, im done with this shit pasted hack
credits/shoutouts: stickrpg for stickrpghook v1 (base) | rabbit/e0v (code help) | all my users in gamerware discord (testing)
menu is made using zgui: https://github.com/zxvnme/zgui
menu screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rDr7iQ0
there is a very small anti-paste and if u cant figure it out ur pretty retarded tbh
also this cheat had a somewhat working local animfix and fake chams. i am selling the source for the local shit for 20 bitcoin hmu