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Apocalypse Strategy Game

Table of Contents


Apocalypse Strategy Game is an interactive web-based strategy game where players manage a world on the brink of disaster. Players must make critical decisions to balance economic resources, research a cure for a spreading infection, and manage public dissatisfaction, all while combating the rapidly growing pandemic.


  • Prevent the infection from spreading worldwide.
  • Develop a cure while maintaining global stability.
  • Keep public dissatisfaction from spiraling into chaos.


The game provides an immersive decision-making experience:

  1. Turn-Based System: Each turn, players choose from several actions, such as investing in research, closing airports, or handling public dissatisfaction.
  2. Variables:
    • Money: Resource management for funding operations.
    • Infected Population: Tracks the global infection level.
    • Public Dissatisfaction: Reflects societal unrest.
    • Cure Progress: Indicates progress toward curing the infection.
  3. Random Events: Dynamic in-game events randomly impact variables, forcing players to adapt strategies.
  4. Map Interface: Visualize the spread of infection on a world map with airports as key points.


  • Interactive World Map: Built using the Leaflet.js library for real-time tracking of infection spread.
  • Dynamic Decision Making: Players select from randomly generated actions each turn.
  • Random Events: Randomized global events (e.g., disasters, breakthroughs) impact variables.
  • Data Persistence: Game states are saved to a MySQL database, enabling users to resume saved games.
  • AI Integration: The Gemini AI generates random events to enhance replayability.

Project Structure

├── archive/                  # Deprecated or archived content
├── .cph/                     # IDE configuration files
├── random_events/            # Random events definition
│   ├── examples.txt          # Example random events for testing
├── static/                   # Static files
│   ├── css/                  # Stylesheets
│   ├── img/                  # Images
│   ├── js/                   # JavaScript files
├── templates/                # HTML templates
│   ├── index.html            # Home page template
│   ├── gameplay.html         # Gameplay interface
│   ├── game_details.html     # Game details page
│   ├── new_game.html         # New game creation page
├── utils/                    # Utility scripts
│   ├── ai/                   # AI integration
│   │   ├──         # Random event generation logic
│   ├──          # Core game logic and database interactions
├──                    # Main Flask application entry point
├──                 # Project documentation (this file)
└── requirements.txt          # Python dependencies

How to Run the Game


  1. Python 3.8 or higher installed on your system.
  2. MySQL server for the database.
  3. Install dependencies using pip.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd team_project_software1-2
  2. Install Dependencies: Right now we don't have requirements.txt, but we are going to add it (or you can help us by generating it).

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure Database:

    • Update database credentials in utils/ with your database.
    • Run the all sql from sql_initial folder queries to initialize tables.
    • Change gemini api key in (you can implement .env var. but now it is hardcoded).
  4. Start the Server:

  5. Access the Game: Open your web browser and navigate to

API Documentation

Core Endpoints:

Game Management

  1. Home Page
    • GET /
      Description: Displays the homepage with a list of all saved games and options to create a new game.
      • Success: Render index.html with games list.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Create New Game
    • POST /new_game
      Description: Creates a new game profile with a given name.
      Request Body:
      { "name": "Game Name" }
      • Success: Redirects to /play/<game_id>.
      • Error: Displays the new_game.html template with an error message.

  1. Resume Game
    • GET /resume_game
      Description: Displays a list of saved games for resumption.
      • Success: Render resume_game.html.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Fetch Game Details
    • GET /fetch_game/<int:game_id>
      Description: Fetches details of a specific game by ID.
      • Success: Renders game_details.html with the game data.
      • Error: JSON error message.

Development APIs

  1. Fetch Game Details (Dev)
    • GET /dev/fetch_games/<int:id>
      Description: Returns game details for the given ID in raw JSON format.
      • Success: JSON with game data.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Check Game Existence
    • GET /dev/game_exists/<game_name>
      Description: Checks if a game with the specified name exists.
      • Success: JSON with game existence status.
      • Error: JSON error message.

Gameplay APIs

  1. Play Game
    • GET /play/<game_id>
      Description: Loads the gameplay interface for a specific game ID.
      • Success: Render gameplay.html with game data.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Search Game by Name
    • GET /api/games/search
      Description: Searches for games by name.
      Query Parameter: name=Game Name
      • Success: JSON with matching games.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Check Game Status
    • GET /api/games/<int:game_id>/check_status
      Description: Checks the current game status and updates the game_over flag if applicable.
      • Success: JSON with status and message.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Fetch Available Choices
    • GET /api/games/<int:game_id>/make_choice
      Description: Returns all available choices for the current turn in the game.
      • Success: JSON with available choices.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Process Player's Choice
    • POST /api/games/<game_id>/process_choice
      Description: Processes the player's choice and updates the game state.
      Request Body:
      { "choice_id": 1 }
      • Success: JSON with updated game state.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Close Specific Airport
    • POST /api/airports/close
      Description: Closes a specified airport and updates the game's money and public dissatisfaction levels.
      Request Body:
      { "game_id": 1, "airport_id": "JFK" }
      • Success: JSON with updated airport and game states.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Fetch All Airports
    • GET /api/airports/<int:game_id>
      Description: Returns all airports in the game with their statuses.
      • Success: JSON with airport and global game data.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Fetch Airport Details
    • GET /api/airports/info/<string:airport_id>
      Description: Fetches detailed information for a specific airport.
      • Success: JSON with airport and game-related data.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Close Airports by Continent
    • POST /api/airports/close_continent
      Description: Closes all airports in a specific continent for a game.
      Request Body:
      { "game_id": 1, "continent": "EU" }
      • Success: JSON with updated game data.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Advance to New Turn
    • POST /api/games/<int:game_id>/new_turn
      Description: Advances the game to the next turn and updates all variables.
      • Success: JSON with updated game state.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Spread Infection
    • POST /api/games/<int:game_id>/infection_spread
      Description: Handles the spread of infection from infected airports.
      • Success: JSON with infection spread details.
      • Error: JSON error message.

  1. Trigger Random Event
    • POST /api/games/<int:game_id>/random_event
      Description: Triggers a random event in the game with a 40% chance of occurrence.
      • Success: JSON with event details.
      • Error: JSON error message.

Technology Stack


  • Flask: Python micro-framework for routing and backend logic.
  • MySQL: Relational database for storing game data.
  • Gemini: Using Gemini AI APIs to generate random events. Using AI to improve in-game experience and making game more unpredictable and fun.


  • HTML/CSS: Responsive user interfaces.
  • JavaScript (Vanilla): Game logic and interaction.
  • Leaflet.js: World map visualization.


We welcome contributions to enhance the game! Follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name.
  3. Commit changes: git commit -m "Add feature description".
  4. Push to your branch: git push origin feature-name.
  5. Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Enjoy saving the world! Having fun while coding!


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