- Install the following dependencies
- HHBlits 2.0.16
- Jackhmmer 3.1b2
- HHFilter 2.0.16
- CCMPred
- FreeContact 1.0.21
- MetaPsicov 1.02
- Blast 2.2.6
- Psipred 4.0
- We need set environment variable
export BLASTDB=/data/work/yang/Qing/databases/data/nr
- Modify default.yaml with path to the above programs
- Install python dependencies with
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate deepcontact-env
pip install --upgrade https://github.com/Lasagne/Lasagne/archive/master.zip
python data-processing/run_pipeline.py default.yaml test.fasta ./tmp_feature
python deepcontact/feature_gen.py ./deepcontact/feature.yaml ./tmp_feature ./tmp_pickle/feature.pkl
python deepcontact/main.py ./tmp_pickle/feature.pkl ./tmp_output/prediction.pkl
parameters:- a config including the feature names.
- the feature directory ( this dir of your ccmpred outputs)
- the pickled output (default will be tmp_pickle)
python deepcontact/feature_gen.py ./deepcontact/feature_only_ccmpred.yaml ./tmp_feature ./tmp_pickle/feature_only_ccmpred.pkl
python deepcontact/main_only_ccmpred.py ./tmp_pickle/feature_only_ccmpred.pkl ./tmp_output/prediction_only_ccmpred.pkl