Environment:Xcode-Version 9.3 (9E145)
Mart is a platform for software outsourcing. It contact the developers and the demand side by smart match system, provide a money escrow service and a tool which can help online management, improve the efficiency of the deliverable, balance the rights of both sides.
This repository is the offical app of Mart platform, you can install it from App Store:Mart
- Mass of developers
- Simple way to publish a demand
- Online valuation
- Divide a demand by some small stages, manage by stage
- Provide different features depend on the role of user (developers or demand side)
Main page | Project list | Message | Valuation | Userinfo |
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- Git:
git clone https://github.com/Coding/CodingMart_iOS.git
- CocoaPods :
pod install
- Carthage :
carthage update
- Find the file
,copy it,and then reanme the copy with name :CodingMart-Prefix.pch
├── CodingMart
│ ├── Assets.xcassets //Image resource
│ ├── CodingMart-Prefix.pch //Pre-compiled file
│ ├── Controllers //Controllers
│ │ ├── BaseViewControllers
│ │ ├── EAProjectPrivate
│ │ ├── Independence
│ │ ├── Login
│ │ ├── Message
│ │ ├── Other
│ │ ├── Pay
│ │ ├── PriceSystem
│ │ ├── PublishReward
│ │ ├── RootControllers
│ │ └── UserInfo
│ ├── Models //Data Models
│ ├── Views //Views
│ │ ├── Cell
│ │ ├── TableListView
│ │ └── XXX
│ ├── Util //Tools
│ │ ├── Category
│ │ ├── Common
│ │ └── Manager
│ ├── Vendor //Third party kit
│ │ ├── AFNetworking
│ │ ├── AGEmojiKeyboard
│ │ ├── AMPopTip
│ │ ├── ActionSheetPicker
│ │ ├── AlipaySDK
│ │ ├── AutoSlideScrollView
│ │ ├── JDStatusBarNotification
│ │ ├── JTSImageViewController
│ │ ├── MJPhotoBrowser
│ │ ├── NJKWebViewProgress
│ │ ├── QBImagePickerController
│ │ ├── RDVTabBarController
│ │ ├── SDWebImage
│ │ ├── SVWebViewController
│ │ ├── TIMChat
│ │ ├── YLGIFImage
│ │ └── iCarousel
│ └── Resources
├── Cartfile //Carthage
├── Podfile //CocoaPods
├── Pods //CocoaPods
│ ├── BlocksKit
│ ├── FDFullscreenPopGesture
│ ├── FLEX
│ ├── HCSStarRatingView
│ ├── MBProgressHUD
│ ├── Masonry
│ ├── QQ_XGPush
│ ├── ReactiveCocoa
│ ├── RegexKitLite-NoWarning
│ ├── TPKeyboardAvoiding
│ ├── TTTAttributedLabel
│ ├── UITableView+FDTemplateLayoutCell
│ ├── UMengSocial
│ └── hpple
└── README.md
The license of this repo is MIT license
This repository is supported by CODING