Generates a pretty status-bar string for multi-battery systems on Linux. Written in Rust and shouldTM work with n batteries.
Personally used with i3 (i3blocks) and sway (i3blocks).
- Uses sysfs for gathering batteries and values on these
- Calculates time-to-depleted and time-to-full from current power-draw
- Takes battery-thresholds, such as TLP, into account when calculating time-to-full. Defaults to 80%.
- Omits time-to-* when passive (specifically when sysfs delivers a status of
For developing and experimenting use Cargo:
repo/~ cargo run
For building also use Cargo:
repo/~ cargo build --release
Find the built executable under repo/target/release/poly-battery-status
Alternatively, see the releases page for pre-compiled executables.