Repository for saltstack modules
This code is now being generated using the SDK generator at
a10-salstack is a set of Saltstack modules and example playbooks for interacting with AXAPI v3 for configuration and monitoring of A10 ACOS-based hardware and virtual appliances. The module code and example playbooks are generated using a combination of Python code and Jinja templates.
a10-saltstack is distributed as a Python package. It can be installed from the Github repository. It is assumed that saltstack is already installed and configured.
The salt modules have mvoed from a10-saltstack to a fork of the salt repo. That fork can be found here:
$ git clone
$ cd salt
$ git checkout a10_salt
$ mkdir /srv/salt
$ ln -s ~/salt/salt/states /srv/salt/_states
$ ln -s ~/salt/salt/proxy /srv/salt/_proxy
$ ln -s ~/salt/salt/modules /srv/salt/_modules
- Note that if you are Ubuntu 16.04, you'll need to add the deb in order to access the latest version of saltstack. Follow the steps here:
Install the necessary packages:
sudo apt-get install salt-api; sudo apt-get install salt-cloud; sudo apt-get install salt-master; sudo apt-get install salt-ssh; sudo apt-get install salt-syndic
Clone the a10 salt repository:
git clone
On the master, create the salt directory:
sudo mkdir /srv/salt
Create pillar directory and step into it:
mkdir /srv/pillar; cd /srv/pillar
touch a10.sls top.sls
Add the following to
with information filled in:
proxytype: a10
host: <ip or dns name of host>
username: <username>
port: <port number>
protocol: <https, https, tcp, etc.>
password: <supersecret>
- Add the following to
- a10
Link the proxy dir to the srv directory:
sudo ln -s ~/salt/salt/proxy /srv/salt/_proxy
Link the modules dir to the srv directory:
sudo ln -s ~/salt/salt/modules /srv/salt/_modules
Link the states dir to the srv directory:
sudo ln -s ~/salt/salt/states /srv/salt/_states
Ensure that the master is running:
sudo service salt-master restart
(Executed after proxy minion is configured an running to accept key):
sudo salt-key -y -a a10
On the proxy minion, install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install salt-api; sudo apt-get install salt-cloud; sudo apt-get install salt-minion; sudo apt-get install salt-ssh; sudo apt-get install salt-syndic
Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:a10networks/a10-saltstack.git
Pip install the repo:
cd a10-saltstack; sudo pip install -e .
and add an entry for your master's location:
sudo vim /etc/salt/proxy
- Add
master: <master server ip>
to file
- Start the salt-proxy in debug mode:
sudo salt-proxy --proxyid=a10 -l debug
Please submit bug reports and feature requests via GitHub issues. When reporting bugs, please include the statefile that demonstrates the bug and the Saltstack output. Stack traces are always nice, but state files work well. Please ensure any sensitive information is redacted as Issues and Pull Requests are publicly viewable.
If you have a question that cannot be submitted via Github Issues, please email [email protected] with "a10-saltstack" in the subject line.