This repository contains different examples that are used during a basic Frontend Testing workshop.
The code was written in general in a simple way, without any frameworks or external tools that could hide the basic steps to develop tests with Selenium WebDriver.
The main idea of the code is to show how tests can be written from scratch, but it is clear that different frameworks could be used to simplify the code and provide helper functions. Nevertheless, the intention is to keep it basic and simple.
The examples are provided in Java with TestNG and JavaScript with Mocha + Chai.
A page is opened, the page title is retrieved, and finally an assertion of a expected value is done.
This is a simple example where a user gets registered on a website.
This is an example where a guest user books a hotel on a website.
After having tests working, a natural step is to try to execute all of them in less time. Some simple examples where a page is loaded are executed in parallel.
A final round up of the hotel booking example but now using the Page Object model/pattern, which is know as one of the best practices when doing Frontend Testing.
Only if you want to run the Java examples
Or Install Maven with Homebrew
brew install maven
Only if you want to run the JavaScript examples
docker-selenium is used to run most of the examples. This means:
You need to have docker installed. Here are the instructions for Mac, Linux and Windows.
After installing docker, and before running the tests that use it, just run this command to start the docker-selenium container:
docker run --rm -ti --name=grid -p 4444:24444 -p 5920:25900 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -p 6080:26080 -e NOVNC=true -e VNC_PASSWORD=hola elgalu/selenium:2.53.0r
It will take longer the first time as the image is getting pulled. Afterwards, it should start in a few seconds. Whenever you have a problem with the container, just stop it and start it again.
Optional: If your docker machine does not run on
, export the docker machine IPdocker-machine ip default export DOCKER_MACHINE_HOST=<your docker machine IP>
When the container starts, you can see the Selenium Grid running at http://localhost:4444/grid/console. Attention: If you are running Mac,
may not work, usedocker-machine ip default
to find out the correct IP for you. -
If you want to see the browsers while the test is running, you can access the container with VNC through http://localhost:6080/vnc.html. The password is
, it was set in the docker command. As in the previous point, check your docker IP.