SOFTENG306 Project 1 - 2016 Semester Two Team 11 NOTE: In order to run scheduler.jar, please use the path to JRE 1.8 in UG4. By default, "java -jar scheduler.jar" will use JRE 1.7 - and will throw an UnsupportedClassVersion Exception. Therefore, in order to run the scheduler, please use the following command to run the scheduler.jar file:
/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.8.0_45/bin/java -jar scheduler.jar [input file] [no of processors] [OPTIONS]
Our final code can be found on our Master branch. The stages of development include To build the code, referenced libraries/ external jars required are: JRE Library (must be JRE/JDK 1.8) ParallelTask (PTRuntime.jar & GraphStream (gs-core-1.3.jar)
The main class can be found in our package src.Main.main
Please see our github wiki for meeting minutes, the link to our google docs for the report and research.
Developed by: Aaron Zhong (GitHub username: azho472 , Student ID: 8379430 , UPI: azho472) Alex Li (GitHub username: humbis , Student ID: 9074030 , UPI: kli438) Ida De Smet : (GitHub username: idaknow, ides542, Student ID: 9199116, UPI: ides542) Jay Pandya : (GitHub username: bawse, Student ID: 6785814, UPI: jpan889) Sherry Wang : (GitHub username: Jingw98, Student ID: 6595375, UPI: jwan501 )