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utils.plot_absorber modified, redshift estimate updated
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abhi0395 committed Aug 5, 2024
1 parent 079babb commit 5f43055
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Showing 6 changed files with 122 additions and 53 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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"github_repo": "qsoabsfind", # Repo name
"github_version": "main", # Version
"conf_py_path": "/docs/", # Path in the checkout to the docs root
"last_updated": (,
"commit": False,

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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions qsoabsfind/
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import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from .utils import convolution_fun, vel_dispersion
from .utils import convolution_fun, vel_dispersion, elapsed
from .absorberutils import (
estimate_local_sigma_conv_array, group_and_weighted_mean_selection_function,
Expand All @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
from .config import load_constants
from .spec import QSOSpecRead
from numba import jit
import time

constants = load_constants()
lines, oscillator_parameters, speed_of_light = constants.lines, constants.oscillator_parameters, constants.speed_of_light
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,14 +100,14 @@ def read_single_spectrum_and_find_absorber(fits_file, spec_index, absorber, **kw
- This function assumes that the input spectra are already normalized (i.e., flux divided by continuum).
- The wavelength search region is determined dynamically based on the observed wavelength range.

start_time = time.time()
# Read the specified QSO spectrum from the FITS file
spectra = QSOSpecRead(fits_file, spec_index)
z_qso = spectra.metadata['Z_QSO']
lam_obs = spectra.wavelength

# Define the wavelength range for searching the absorber
min_wave, max_wave = lam_obs.min() + 500, lam_obs.max() - 500
min_wave, max_wave = lam_obs.min() + 200, lam_obs.max() - 200 # avoiding edges

# Retrieve flux and error data, ensuring consistent dtype for Numba compatibility
residual, error = spectra.flux.astype('float64'), spectra.error.astype('float64')
Expand All @@ -123,12 +124,11 @@ def read_single_spectrum_and_find_absorber(fits_file, spec_index, absorber, **kw
# Verify that the arrays are of equal size
assert lam_search.size == unmsk_residual.size == unmsk_error.size, "Mismatch in array sizes of lam_search, unmsk_residual, and unmsk_error"

# Print progress for every 5000th spectrum processed
if spec_index % 5000 == 0:
print(f'Detection finished up to spec index = {spec_index}', flush=True)

(index_spec, pure_z_abs, pure_gauss_fit, pure_gauss_fit_std, pure_ew_first_line_mean, pure_ew_second_line_mean, pure_ew_total_mean, pure_ew_first_line_error, pure_ew_second_line_error, pure_ew_total_error, redshift_err, sn1_all, sn2_all) = convolution_method_absorber_finder_in_QSO_spectra(spec_index, absorber, lam_obs, residual, error, lam_search, unmsk_residual, unmsk_error, **kwargs)

# Print progress for every spectrum processed
elapsed(start_time, f"\nTime taken to finish absorber detection for index = {spec_index} is: ")

return (index_spec, pure_z_abs, pure_gauss_fit, pure_gauss_fit_std, pure_ew_first_line_mean, pure_ew_second_line_mean, pure_ew_total_mean, pure_ew_first_line_error, pure_ew_second_line_error, pure_ew_total_error, redshift_err, sn1_all, sn2_all)

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46 changes: 35 additions & 11 deletions qsoabsfind/
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from .utils import double_gaussian
from .absorberutils import redshift_estimate
from .config import load_constants
from numba import jit

constants = load_constants()
lines = constants.lines

def return_line_centers(use_kernel):
Return line centers for a given absorber
use_kerne (str): absorber (e.g. MgII, CIV)
line centers (floats)

if use_kernel == 'MgII':
line_centre1 = lines['MgII_2796']
line_centre2 = lines['MgII_2803']
elif use_kernel == 'CIV':
line_centre1 = lines['CIV_1548']
line_centre2 = lines['CIV_1550']
raise ValueError("Unsupported kernel type. Use 'MgII', or 'CIV'.")

return line_centre1, line_centre2

# Example usage within double_curve_fit
def double_curve_fit(index, fun_to_run, lam_fit_range, nmf_resi_fit, error_fit, bounds, init_cond, iter_n):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,6 +157,7 @@ def partial_derivatives(popt):

return EW1_error, EW2_error, EW_total_error

def measure_absorber_properties_double_gaussian(index, wavelength, flux, error, absorber_redshift, bound, use_kernel='Mg', d_pix=0.6, use_covariance=False):
Measures the properties of each potential absorber by fitting a double
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,17 +204,7 @@ def measure_absorber_properties_double_gaussian(index, wavelength, flux, error,
EW_total_error = np.zeros(size_array, dtype='float32')
z_abs_err = np.zeros(size_array, dtype='float32')

if use_kernel == 'MgII':
line_centre1 = lines['MgII_2796']
line_centre2 = lines['MgII_2803']
elif use_kernel == 'FeII':
line_centre1 = lines['FeII_2586']
line_centre2 = lines['FeII_2600']
elif use_kernel == 'CIV':
line_centre1 = lines['CIV_1548']
line_centre2 = lines['CIV_1550']
raise ValueError("Unsupported kernel type. Use 'Mg', 'Fe', or 'CIV'.")
line_centre1, line_centre2 = return_line_centers(use_kernel)

#defining wwavelength range for Gaussian fitting
sigma = d_pix*15 # assuming maximum line width of d_pix * 15, can be larger/smaller, but this is a reasonable assumption.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,6 +243,16 @@ def measure_absorber_properties_double_gaussian(index, wavelength, flux, error,

z_abs_array[k], z_abs_err[k] = redshift_estimate(fitted_l1, fitted_l2, std_fitted_l1, std_fitted_l2, line_centre1, line_centre2)

#best-fit corresponding to this best redshift
absorber_rest_lam = wavelength / (1 + z_abs_array[k]) # rest-frame conversion of wavelength
lam_ind = np.where((absorber_rest_lam >= ix0) & (absorber_rest_lam <= ix1))[0]
lam_fit = absorber_rest_lam[lam_ind]
nmf_resi = flux[lam_ind]
error_flux = error[lam_ind]

fitting_param_for_spectrum[k], fitting_param_std_for_spectrum[k], EW_first_line[k], EW_second_line[k], EW_total[k] = double_curve_fit(
index, double_gaussian, lam_fit, nmf_resi, error_fit=error_flux, bounds=bound, init_cond=init_cond, iter_n=1000)

#errors on EW
if not use_covariance:
EW_first_line_error[k], EW_second_line_error[k], EW_total_error[k] = calculate_ew_errors(fitting_param_for_spectrum[k], fitting_param_std_for_spectrum[k])
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions qsoabsfind/
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Expand Up @@ -90,3 +90,4 @@ def save_results_to_fits(results, input_file, output_file, headers, absorber):
qso_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(metadata, name='METADATA')
hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr), hdu, qso_hdu])
hdul.writeto(output_file, overwrite=True)
print(f'INFO: ouptut file {output_file} written.')
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions qsoabsfind/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,20 +10,22 @@ class QSOSpecRead:
A class to read and handle QSO spectra from a FITS file containing FLUX, ERROR, WAVELENGTH, and METADATA extensions."""

def __init__(self, fits_file, index=None):
def __init__(self, fits_file, index=None, verbose=False):
Initializes the QSOSpecRead class.
fits_file (str): Path to the FITS file containing QSO spectra.
index (int, list, or np.ndarray, optional): Index or indices of the rows to load. Default is None.
verbose (bool): if want to print time info
self.fits_file = fits_file
self.flux = None
self.error = None
self.wavelength = None
self.metadata = None
self.index = index
self.verbose = verbose

def read_fits(self):
Expand All @@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ def read_fits(self):
start_time = time.time()
self.flux, self.error, self.wavelength, self.metadata = read_fits_file(self.fits_file, self.index)
elapsed(start_time, "\nTime taken to read FITS file")
if self.verbose:
elapsed(start_time, "\nTime taken to read FITS file")

def get_metadata(self):
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105 changes: 73 additions & 32 deletions qsoabsfind/
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

# Configure logging
#logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,24 +278,44 @@ def vel_dispersion(c1, c2, sigma1, sigma2, resolution):

return corr_del_v1_sq, corr_del_v2_sq

def plot_absorber(lam, residual, absorber, zabs, xlabel='obs wave (ang)', ylabel='residual', title='QSO', plot_filename=None, zoom=False):
def plot_absorber(lam, residual, absorber, zabs, xlabel='obs wave (ang)', ylabel='residual', title='QSO', plot_filename=None):
Saves a plot of spectra with absorber in the current working directory.
lam (array-like): Observed wavelength.
residual (array-like): Residual flux.
absorber (str): Type of absorber, e.g., 'MgII', 'CIV'.
zabs (list): List of absorber redshifts.
zabs (list, array, or Table): Absorber redshifts, or a Table with 'Z_ABS' and 'GAUSS_FIT' columns.
xlabel (str): The label for the x-axis. Default is 'obs wave (ang)'.
ylabel (str): The label for the y-axis. Default is 'residual'.
title (str): The title of the plot. Default is 'QSO'.
title (str): The super title of the plot. Default is 'QSO'.
plot_filename (str): If provided, will save the plot to the given filename.
zoom (bool): If True, adds an inset plot to show a zoomed-in version of the absorber lines.
# Create the main plot
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.plot(lam, residual, ls='-', lw=1.5)
# If zabs is a Table or structured array, extract redshifts and fit parameters
if isinstance(zabs, (Table, np.ndarray)) and ('Z_ABS' in zabs.colnames or 'Z_ABS' in zabs.dtype.names):
redshifts = zabs['Z_ABS']
fit_params = zabs['GAUSS_FIT']
redshifts = zabs
fit_params = None

if isinstance(redshifts, float):
redshifts = [redshifts]

num_absorbers = len(redshifts)

# Create a grid with 2 rows: 1 for the main plot and 1 for zoomed plots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6 * num_absorbers, 8))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.15, wspace=0.15) # Adjust space between plots

# Super title for the entire figure
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16)

# Create the main plot in the first row
ax_main = plt.subplot2grid((2, num_absorbers), (0, 0), colspan=num_absorbers)
ax_main.plot(lam, residual, ls='-', lw=1.5)
ax_main.set_xlim(3800, 9200)

# Determine the absorber line labels
if absorber == 'MgII':
Expand All @@ -304,35 +325,54 @@ def plot_absorber(lam, residual, absorber, zabs, xlabel='obs wave (ang)', ylabel
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported absorber type: {absorber}")

# Plot vertical lines for the absorber lines
for z in zabs:
# Plot vertical lines for the absorber lines in the main plot
for z in redshifts:
x1, x2 = lines[l1] * (1 + z), lines[l2] * (1 + z)
plt.axvline(x=x1, color='r', ls='--', label=f'{l1} z={z:.3f}')
plt.axvline(x=x2, color='r', ls='--', label=f'{l2} z={z:.3f}')
ax_main.axvline(x=x1, color='r', ls='--')
ax_main.axvline(x=x2, color='r', ls='--')

plt.ylim(-1, 2)

# Add inset zoomed plot if requested
if zoom:
sep = 25
ax_inset = plt.gca().inset_axes([0.6, 0.15, 0.35, 0.4]) # position: [x0, y0, width, height]
for z in zabs:
x1, x2 = lines[l1] * (1 + z), lines[l2] * (1 + z)
mask = (lam > x1 - sep) & (lam < x2 + sep) # zoom range around the lines
ax_inset.plot(lam[mask], residual[mask], ls='-', lw=1.5)
ax_inset.axvline(x=x1, color='r', ls='--')
ax_inset.axvline(x=x2, color='r', ls='--')
ax_inset.set_xlim([x1 - sep, x2 + sep])
#Determine appropriate y-limits for inset based on data
ax_main.set_ylim(-1, 2)

# Add subplots for zoomed-in regions in the second row
sep = 25 # Set separation for zoomed plot ranges

for idx, z in enumerate(redshifts):
shift_z = 1 + z
ax_zoom = plt.subplot2grid((2, num_absorbers), (1, idx))
x1, x2 = lines[l1] * shift_z, lines[l2] * shift_z
mask = (lam > x1 - sep) & (lam < x2 + sep) # Define zoom range around the lines

ax_zoom.plot(lam[mask], residual[mask], ls='-', lw=1.5, label='data')
ax_zoom.axvline(x=x1, color='r', ls='--')
ax_zoom.axvline(x=x2, color='r', ls='--')
ax_zoom.set_xlim([x1 - sep, x2 + sep])

# Determine appropriate y-limits for the subplot based on data
y_min, y_max = residual[mask].min(), residual[mask].max()
y_margin = 0.2 * (y_max - y_min) # Add a margin for better visibility
ax_inset.set_ylim(y_min - y_margin, y_max + y_margin)
ax_inset.set_title(f'Zoomed-In {absorber} Lines')
ax_zoom.set_ylim(y_min - y_margin, y_max + y_margin)

ax_zoom.set_title(f'{absorber} at z={z:.3f}')

# Add Gaussian fit
if fit_params is not None:
params = fit_params[idx]
# Adjust fit parameters for the redshift
# Plot the Gaussian fit
lam_fit = np.linspace(x1 - sep, x2 + sep, 1000)
fit_curve = double_gaussian(lam_fit, params[0], shift_z * params[1], shift_z * params[2],
params[3], shift_z * params[4], shift_z * params[5])
ax_zoom.plot(lam_fit, fit_curve, 'r-', label='Gaussian Fit')

# Use tight_layout to ensure there are no overlaps
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.96]) # Reserve space for suptitle

# Save or display the plot
if plot_filename is not None:
Expand All @@ -350,6 +390,7 @@ def plot_absorber(lam, residual, absorber, zabs, xlabel='obs wave (ang)', ylabel

def read_nqso_from_header(file_path, hdu_name='METADATA'):
Read the NAXIS2 value from the header of a specified HDU in a FITS file.
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