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abhi0395 committed Jul 30, 2024
1 parent 95874e2 commit ceb60d6
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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions datamodel.rst
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Please read and perform the following steps.

Running Help Command

To get an overview of the tool's functionality and options, run:


qsoabsfind --help

Input FITS File Structure

The input `fits file` must have the following HDU extensions:

- **FLUX**: Should ideally contain the residual spectra (usually the flux/continuum, i.e., the continuum normalized spectra).
- **WAVELENGTH**: Observed wavelength (in Angstroms).
- **ERROR**: Error on residuals.
- **TGTDETALS**: Spectral details (such as Z_QSO, RA_QSO, DEC_QSO).

Constant File (Optional)

The user-defined **constant-file** must follow the same structure as the `qsoabsfind.constants` file, otherwise, the code will fail. If you want to use the default search parameters, you can run the tool without the `constant-file` option.

Running the Tool

Run `qsoabsfind` with the required FITS file. If using a custom constant file, include it in the command:


qsoabsfind --input <path_to_input_fits_file> [--constant-file <path_to_constant_file>] --output <path_to_output_fits_file>

Replace `<path_to_input_fits_file>` with the path to your input FITS file, `<path_to_constant_file>` with the path to your constant file (if using), and `<path_to_output_fits_file>` with the desired path for your output FITS file.

Output FITS File Structure

The **output** `fits file` will have the `ABSORBER` HDU, containing arrays such as:

- **INDEX_SPEC**: Index of quasar (can be used to read the RA, DEC, and Z of QSOs).
- **Z_ABS**: Redshift of absorber.
- **${METAL}_${line}_EW**: Rest-frame equivalent widths (EWs) of absorber lines (e.g., MgII 2796, 2803 or CIV 1548, 1550) in Angstroms.
- **${METAL}_${line}_EW_ERROR**: Uncertainties in rest-frame EWs of absorber lines in Angstroms.
- **Z_ABS_ERR**: Measured error in the redshift of the absorber.
- **GAUSS_FIT**: Rest-frame fitting parameters of double Gaussian to the absorber doublet (the width can be used to measure the velocity dispersion).
- **GAUSS_FIT_STD**: Uncertainties in rest-frame fitting parameters of double Gaussian to the absorber doublet.
- **SN_${METAL}_${line}**: Signal-to-noise ratio of the lines.
- **${metal}_EW_TOTAL**: Total EW of the lines in Angstroms.
- **${metal}_EW_TOTAL_ERROR**: Uncertainties in total EW of the lines in Angstroms.

Abhijeet Anand
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
15 changes: 5 additions & 10 deletions qsoabsfind/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from .utils import convolution_fun, save_plot, plot_absorber
from .utils import convolution_fun
from .absorberutils import (
estimate_local_sigma_conv_array, group_and_weighted_mean_selection_function,
Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
from .ew import measure_absorber_properties_double_gaussian
from .config import lines, speed_of_light, oscillator_parameters
from .spec import QSOSpecRead
from numba import jit

def find_valid_indices(our_z, residual_our_z, lam_search, conv_arr, sigma_cr, coeff_sigma, d_pix, beta, line1, line2):
Find valid indices based on thresholding in the convolved array.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,17 +141,14 @@ def convolution_method_absorber_finder_in_QSO_spectra(fits_file, spec_index, abs
sigma_cr = estimate_local_sigma_conv_array(conv_arr, pm_pixel=pm_pixel)
thr = np.nanmedian(conv_arr) - coeff_sigma * sigma_cr

if spec_index%20==0:
_ = convolution_fun(absorber, mult_resi * unmsk_residual, sig_ker, amp_ratio=0.5, log=logwave, index=spec_index)
save_plot(lam_search, [unmsk_residual, conv_arr, thr], f'qsoabsfind_plot_spec_{spec_index}.png', 'wave', 'flux', f'{spec_index}')

conv_arr[np.isnan(conv_arr)] = 1e5
our_z_ind = conv_arr < thr
conv_arr[conv_arr == 1e5] = np.nan

our_z = lam_search[our_z_ind] / line_centre - 1
residual_our_z = unmsk_residual[our_z_ind]
#print(f'INFO:: Potential absorber = {our_z}')

new_our_z, new_res_arr = find_valid_indices(our_z, residual_our_z, lam_search, conv_arr, sigma_cr, coeff_sigma, d_pix, f1 / f2, line1, line2)

final_our_z = group_and_weighted_mean_selection_function(new_our_z, np.array(new_res_arr))
Expand All @@ -165,15 +164,11 @@ def convolution_method_absorber_finder_in_QSO_spectra(fits_file, spec_index, abs
combined_final_our_z = combined_final_our_z[~np.isnan(combined_final_our_z)]
combined_final_our_z = combined_final_our_z.tolist()

#plot_absorber(lam_obs, residual, absorber, combined_final_our_z, xlabel='obs wave (ang)', ylabel='residual', title=f'QSO_{spec_index}', plot_filename=None)

if len(combined_final_our_z)>0:

z_abs, z_err, fit_param, fit_param_std, EW_first_line_mean, EW_second_line_mean, EW_total_mean, EW_first_line_error, EW_second_line_error, EW_total_error = measure_absorber_properties_double_gaussian(
index=spec_index, wavelength=lam_obs, flux=residual, error=error, absorber_redshift=combined_final_our_z, bound=bound, use_kernel=absorber, d_pix=d_pix, use_covariance=use_covariance)

#print(f'INFO:: {spec_index}, {z_abs}, {fit_param}')
pure_z_abs = np.zeros(len(z_abs))
pure_gauss_fit = np.zeros((len(z_abs), 6))
pure_gauss_fit_std = np.zeros((len(z_abs), 6))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +235,7 @@ def convolution_method_absorber_finder_in_QSO_spectra(fits_file, spec_index, abs
if absorber=='MgII':
match_abs1 = remove_Mg_falsely_identified_as_Fe_absorber(spec_index, pure_z_abs, lam_obs, residual, error, d_pix=d_pix)
match_abs1 = -1
match_abs1 = -1*np.ones(len(pure_z_abs))
match_abs2 = z_abs_from_same_metal_absorber(pure_z_abs, lam_obs, residual, error, d_pix, use_kernel=absorber)
ind_z = contiguous_pixel_remover(pure_z_abs, sn1_all, sn2_all)
sel_indices = (match_abs1 == -1) & (match_abs2 == -1) & (ind_z == -1) # pure final absorber candidates
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions qsoabsfind/
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Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
from .utils import elapsed
from numba import jit

def estimate_local_sigma_conv_array(conv_array, pm_pixel):
Estimate the local standard deviation for each element in the convolution array over a window defined by pm_pixel.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +379,7 @@ def contiguous_pixel_remover(abs_z, sn1_all, sn2_all, use_kernel='MgII'):

return ind_true

def redshift_estimate(fitted_obs_l1, fitted_obs_l2, std_fitted_obs_l1, std_fitted_obs_l2, line1, line2):
Estimate the redshift and its error from Gaussian fitting parameters for two spectral lines.
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions qsoabsfind/
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Expand Up @@ -87,9 +87,6 @@ def convolution_fun(absorber, residual_arr_after_mask, width, amp_ratio=0.5, log

gauss_kernel = gauss_two_lines_kernel(lam_ker, a=ker_parm)

if index is not None:
save_plot(lam_ker, gauss_kernel, f'kernel_{index}.png', 'wave', 'flux', f'{index}')

result = np.convolve(gauss_kernel, residual_arr_after_mask, mode='same')

#check if input and output array size are same
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