k8s cleanup is a python script created which checks for pods expiry and depending upon that kills/delete pods. It also cleanus up the deployments and namespaces.
- deletes pods
- deletes deployments
- delete namespaces
- Deletes them on scheduled intervals with expiry
Deploying k8s cleanup is simple, you only required Helm3
helm upgrade --install k8s-cleaner ./helm_chart
There are 3 important environment variables presnet
This will exclude the namespaces from filtering and deletion, you can provide a list here
value: "demo, default, test"
This will only consider pods which are older than MAX_DAYS.
- name: MAX_DAYS
value: "5"
This will only consider pods with following status.
- name: POD_STATUS
value: "Running, Succeeded, Failed, ContainerCreating, Error, CrashLoopBackOff"
1. If you are building an Image, being in mac, use the following command
1.1 Goto the Directory 'devsecops-utility/k8s-cleanup/'
1.2 Build the Image.
* If you're in Mac and launching the container/pod in Linux machine. Use the following command
Command: docker build . -t <image-name>:<image-version> --platform linux/amd64
* If you are using mac M1 then user below command
Command: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t <image-name>:<image-version> .
* If you're building in Linux and launching the container/pod in Linux, use the following command
Command: docker build . -t <image-name>:<image-version>